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About crooper

  • Birthday 05/28/1988


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  1. I agree with theLamer and der8auer! That were the best way for all users that have bench unpopular hardware. A other advantage is, it will be worthwhile to bench unpopular. The database of hwbot can increase and would have a complete assortment of hardware results and not only the brand-new popular hardware!
  2. There are a bug on rankings with "0" cores: http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/pcmark_2005/rankings?cores=0 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/wprime_1024m/rankings?cores=0 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/wprime_32m/rankings?cores=0 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?cores=0 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2003/rankings?cores=0 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2006/rankings?cores=0 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_vantage_-_performance/rankings?cores=0 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/aquamark/rankings?cores=0 It look like this:
  3. Ticket ID: 488 Priority: High Please split the Radeon 7000 in 32 MB and 64 MB\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_7000__radeon_ve\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=710640
  4. Ticket ID: 369 Priority: Medium Hello gentlemans,\r\n\r\nthe problem is as follow:\r\n\r\nIf you are exteremly overclocked a Pentium 2 266/300MHz, the Level 2 Cache don\'t accurately work. The result is, that CPUZ can not read the the volume of the Level 2 Cache.\r\nThe Celeron with Covington Core don\'t have any Level 2 Cache. That is the reasen why CPUZ displayed it is a Celeron 266/300MHz.\r\n\r\nThe Covington Core is only build in a Celerons with 266MHz and 300 MHz. The Stepping of this CPUs is only \"DA0\" and \"DA1\". All other CPUs are not really a Celeron with Covington core but a Pentium 2 with Klamath (\"C0\", \"C1\", build in 350nm) or Deschutes (250nm). \r\n\r\nCeleron:\r\nhttp://processorfinder.intel.com/List.aspx?ParentRadio=All&ProcFam=49&SearchKey=\r\n\r\nPentium 2:\r\nhttp://processorfinder.intel.com/List.aspx?ParentRadio=All&ProcFam=47&SearchKey=\r\n\r\n\r\nBUT there are Pentium 2 300MHz in DA1, too!!\r\ne.g. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=787764\r\n\r\nRIBEIROCROSS use a Pentium 2 300MHz. Why? Because the CPUZ Validation betrayed us. In the field of Level 2 Cache you see \"kBytes\" but not a number. This comes only if it is not really a Celeron with Covington core.\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=439718\r\n\r\nI hope you have me understand. I know that my english is not so good. \r\n\r\nThe categories must be delete as follow:\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=CPU_1891\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=CPU_1892\r\n\r\nand the entrys must be match to the right categories.\r\n\r\nThe entrys as follow:\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=CPU_1100\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=CPU_1101\r\n\r\nmust be search of entrys that are not really a Celeron and must be match to the right categories.\r\n\r\nIf you want, I can make a list of the wrong entrys and post it here to help you.
  5. Ticket ID: 359 Priority: Low Please split the Pentium 2 266 MHz as follow:\r\n\r\n- Pentium 2 266 MHz Klamath, 350nm, C0/C1\r\n http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=690449\r\n\r\n- Pentium 2 266 MHz Deschutes, 250 nm, DB0\r\n http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=833248\r\n\r\nIt is unfair to put they in one class, because the TDP of a Klamath in 350nm is greater than a Deschutes in 250 nm!\r\n\r\nThank you for your efforts!
  6. Ticket ID: 329 Priority: Medium Please add Pentium 3-EB 733 MHz for Slot1 (5.5x 133 MHz FSB)\r\n\r\nhttp://www.abload.de/image.php?img=proofni53.jpg\r\n\r\nThe Intel 440BX Chipset don\'t support cpus with 133 MHz FSB, than cpuz think it is a P3 550 MHz (5.5x100MHz).\r\n\r\n======================\r\nThe \"E\" is for coppermine cpus and the \"B\" for 133MHz FSB.\r\n(Source is the manual from Asus P3B-F)
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