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Brian y.

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Posts posted by Brian y.

  1. Argumentation please.
    IMO you guys should keep things the way they are. Yes, while under the current situation in regards to how the top spots are being held can be very overwhelming, BUT this is suppose to be the league where the best show up to. As to whether someone decides to tick that little box if it is warranted that is solely up to them. I just can't understand how two leagues will make any difference or make anyone "feel" any better. I mean what is the point of being #1 in a AM league?How many OCers actually are truly "sponsored"(receive actual binned HW) anyways? I am honestly sick of hearing about that dam word as it gets thrown around as much as the dreaded "WR" B-S that has taken over in recent months. Being involved in enduser support does not make you sponsored. Beta BIOS testing a mobo/reviewing a kit of ram/etc does not evolve automatically into Top Ten standings. Benching is not just pour and click like some like to believe. I can't tell you how many times I have seen gem hw that was not utilized to it's full potential by previous owners.


    In all honesty unless those scores that are at the top of the bot are the only thing between you and #1 in the league it should not be worried about it. In actuality the very Ocer's that are in that position have not said a word...they just continue to compete. That is what separates the great ones from the rest. They all had to work their asses off to get where they are. We would see much more intense battles if more people would worry more about the strategy of how they are going to over take the OCer that is right above them and less about the few at the top that have earned their way there(I mean we were ALL OC noobs at one point, no?)


    yeah I understand peoples points of the super binning/sponsored/endless funds that are a part of this hobby but the best way to to deal with it IMO is just show what you can do and prove you have skills with what you got. Get the respect. The rest will follow.


    My two cents


    There's a thin red like between allowing the manufacturers to use and enjoy the benefits of HWbot and allowing the manufacturers to interfere and in the end control HWbot and its rankings.


    While I agree with this to an extent IMO the one who submits these "manufacture" results should of taken the responsibility in regards to checking the "do not participate" box.

    If you check this, this submission will not receive cups, medals or points. It will appear in no ranking except for the HWBOT WORLD RECORDS page. You can use this if you use hardware which is not available through retail channels (eg. cherry picked samples, ES, hardware under NDA, etc).
    They are the valid current WR's at the moment and they deserve to be on hwbot as these scores had to be produced(earned) and they are awesome in every right, but there is no reason why they should of affected the point system. IMO splitting up the league is not the answer here. In the end the league(s) itself will only be as good as the members that participate in it. Unfortunately this is the one variable that in the end will dictate to the overall success/failure of the league IMO.
  3. are you using AB 1.5.1?

    I have both the 1.51 regular and extreme version and the card does not respond to either one:(






    Playing around with the .cfg file has now the voltage changes showing up in afterburner but not reflecting on the card with a DMM. I know it is working as with stock volts it crashes with a core over 950 but with 1.35v set it passes nature in 03 at 1030/1350.......soooo I guess it works just very confused how the DMM shows 1.16v but the card is passes 03 at these clocks....:confused:

  4. Are there any limitations/exceptions when submitting unreleased hardware for points?



    For example I understand that CPU's/GPU's are off limits as far a points are concerned but what about using HDD's that are not sold for retail yet or a motherboard for instance? Is utilizing ram that is not yet available on the market acceptable when ticking that little box at the bottom of your submission entry?


    Reading below the rules that were written I personally would say it is safe to assume that this means all technology....


    Unreleased technology not applicable for HWBoints.


    As the result of a recent on-going discussion at the Hwbot staff quarters, the HWBot crew has decided that as of the 1st of October (2009) unreleased technology, which is in other words still under NDA, will no longer be applicable for points but will be given a “no-boints” status. This means that hardware categories for upcoming new products will still be added to the database (e.g: HD 5870), that people will still be allowed to submit results of this new technology, that those results will still be ranked and visible to everyone in the World Records Page, but none of those scores will be awarded any points until the products are available in shops.


    This decision is based on the following arguments:


    First of all, we believe that using new, unreleased, non-available technology is in conflict with one of the main principles of the HWBoints concept which states that the competition is (as) open (as possible) to everyone. We are aware of the fact that a lot of side notes can be made to this principle as you do in fact need a certain amount of financial input to compete at the very top, but using unreleased technology, which might annihilate the current top benchmark results, is even a step further as it’s available to only a very select group of people within the enthusiast community.


    Secondly, we hope that not awarding points to unreleased hardware might spice up the competition as pushing current-gen hardware to the absolute maximum will not become obsolete from the moment it’s clear that next-gen technology is performing at a much higher level.


    Lastly, it also serves a more social purpose. If new technology beats the current generation of hardware and, thus, makes getting points much easier, HWBot creates a market for those unreleased products. As the technology is not widespread available, but only to a very select group of people, the price of the next-gen hardware could shoot up. At HWBot, we do not want to create this kind of market or even be an incentive to spend huge amounts of money only to compete in the HWBoints rankings. Extreme overclocking has already come to a stage where requires quite a financial input that creating extra costs is something we want to avoid. Note that we do not want to make the HWBoints rankings appear to have more influence than it really has, but in this case it’s better to keep on safe side.


    I am assuming that I am correct but would to to make sure that I am indeed reading this properly and get an idea of where HWBOT stands exactly on this matter.:)

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