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Everything posted by traxman

  1. Ticket ID: 765 Priority: Medium Hi\r\n\r\nIs it possible to add the Intel Pentium G6950 (s1156) ? (I don\'t find on the website)\r\nMore informations on Intel website:\r\nhttp://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SLBMS\r\n\r\nThanks ________ How To Roll Blunts
  2. I post here just to say you we are doing a bench party in my House in France. There are several clockers of Jmax-Hardware team (Jmax_oc, Benji Tshi, Meteorik, Quentj, Topalov, Cit71, Dami1stm & Traxman) Concerning our hardware, we have: - 3 Intel 975 - 2 Intel 965 - 3 Intel E8600 - 1 P4 651 - several little processors (E4600, P4 s478...) - 3 HD4890 - 2 GTX280 - 1 GTX285 - 1GTX260 - 1 GTX295 - 8800Ultra / GTX /GTS... - 7 Elpida's chip trichannel kits - D9GTR / GTS / GMH etc... And all the hardware I forget I'll post pictures as soon as possible, I need to find my camera link cable ________ UHWH WAREHOUSE
  3. Thanks ________ NEW MEXICO DISPENSARY
  4. There's the same problem with geforce 7 ________ Vapor genie
  5. Ticket ID: 299 Priority: Medium Hi guys !\r\n\r\nIs it possible to add the graphic card Nvidia Quadro FX1300 ?\r\n\r\nScreenshot: \r\n\r\nGPU: NV38 rev A1\r\n128Mo\r\nStandart clock: 350 / 550\r\n4/3/4\r\n\r\nThanks ________ SILVER SURFER REVIEWS
  6. Before I post, my score was blocked (I have no point) But points are come back, so that's good ________ ESSENTIAL VAAAPP
  7. Hi all My Spi 1M score (http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=812075) is block, because anyone supposed I've share it with Westyle (http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=815017) But I've done this result in another Lan on week before: This is the topic of the lan in my website (http://www.jmax-hardware.com/forum/index.php/topic,4035.0.html). You can see me with my brown jacket. It's my CPU and my Rampage Extreme, an no sharing I've another pictures at home, I can give it friday afternoon. So I want you retablish my score, because it's my own score and no sharing ! ________ Extreme Vaporizer
  8. Yes, but I've done a better run... ________ HEADSHOP
  9. Hello :hi: There's a litte problem with my ranking in SuperPi with this bench: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=812075 I've done 6'968 and I'm just after Dedal who realized 6'969 ( http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=805678) I know that the bot approximates our scores at 6'97, and that Dedal posted before me, but, my Spi run is better, and I think I should be on the 10th place (top ten, and not 11 ) Thanks to your answer, and sorry for my english, I'm really tired ________ GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD
  10. I was with Foxhound, and I confirm that we got 8 QX9650 lent by Intel France Each tried a different CPU, and we offer LN2 of the two bests QX9650. Results: two scores under 8s at spi 1M ________ Gs500
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