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  1. 2 questions guys, 1. Isn't a high LLC setting "cheating" in finding the lowest voltage for a CPU? Since it bumps voltage higher than the value set? 2. Does LLC have an effect on CPU voltage if voltage mode set to manual mode?
  2. Does it mean anything that my 7700K can happily do 4.5GHz (stock turbo) at 1.120v? Does that mean it can do 5GHz at not a high voltage(around 1.25v)?
  3. Thanks for your reply. My main point was to reduce heat while gaming. I have all C states at auto or enabled currently. The challenge now is how to make manual voltage becomes the adaptive value, I heard that it'll be difficult to drive low voltage to CPU especially at turbo when it's less than VID for Kabylake.
  4. Hello there, I picked up a 7700K, Asus Maximus IX Hero and Corsair 16GB DDR4 3200MHz. CPU at all BIOS options at auto was getting around 1.248v(all cores 4.5GHz) at load, and back to 0.727v at 800MHz(idle). Temps are fine with my Noctua D15S, lower 60s c at load. Now I want to find "undervolt" my CPU to the lowest voltage required for turbo of 4.5GHz(not interested to overclock this cpu now). Now I have CPU voltage mode set to manual in BIOS, and value is 1.120v and it boots normally. Did a run of 3DMark Firestrike physics and then Cinebench R15 multithreaded and all passed normally without issues. My questions: 1. Is it possible that my 7700K can perform normally with this low 1.120v? 2. Should I keep trying to go lower in voltage? 3. If everything I use my PC for behave normally, is there any downside to force CPU to work in low voltage state? Thanks guys.
  5. My initial testing is like follows, My 7700K (L643G204) gets 1.248v-1.264v max at stock auto BIOS settings for turbo of 45GHz across all cores. For the exact same settings, just changed multipliers to 47 and then 49 both finished CBR15 without issues. The ONLY hurdle was 5GHz ... It BSD'ed BIOS manual voltage of 1.275v finished the run without BSD (uncore untouched) Still testing, looks like I have an average OC'er. Now I am testing to undervolt the stock turbo of 4.5GHz, so far 1.120v is doing stable in CBR15 and in 3DMark Firestrike.
  6. Can you please speed.fastest share here the app "Asus Turbo Vcore"? Can you please upload it to like mediafire? Thanks
  7. Thanks Nickolp and shar. I will do tests sometime hopefully this week. I have Asus Maximus IX Hero Z270 And I honestly don't intend to delid the CPU, too risky for me and voids my warranty. I also use Noctua D15S with one fan in middle and not water. 1. Does VID in BIOS mean anything? 2. Should I disable XMP and reinput my RAM sticks 16-18-18-3200 1.35v manually for better OC? 3. Should I disable Asus Multicore Enhancments and switch to manual sync all cores for better control and stability? 4. Manual voltage for testing, yes? and what is a good manual value for 5GHz as a starter? 1.20v? Thanks guys again.
  8. Hello there, Picked my 7700k and Asus IX Hero Z270 Batch L643G207 Everything is auto now. Didn't test overclock yet. Good batch? VID 1.168v
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