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yes! you have realy much points with AMD only! realy big up for your work! but you should get much more points for your work. but at the moment you can only earn penuts of hardwarepoints :-( an the badest ist, that in the future with the new HWbot system the INTEL wil earn much more hardwarepoints, because also old INTEL hardware was more benched on hwbot than old AMD hardware first it look likes first for you that you can win a little bit more AMD hardware points than bevore, but this is wrong! but finaly (not fast) you wil loose you ranking on hwbot wich ranking did you have bevor the 1.1.2010? and wich ranking did you ahve at the moment?
i dont have an INTEL and AMD system to show you the different in 3dmark but you only must search a little bit on google take a look at this http://www.pcgameshardware.de/aid,697407/Vorwurf-Intel-nutzt-angeblich-optimierte-Grafikkartentreiber-fuer-3DMark-Vantage/Grafikkarte/News/ in othe benchmarks it is realy hard to comprehend if they are optimized ore not. and in the future it wil not be easyier to comprehend this so it must be splitted, beacuse then every producer could made their own things. because in the world of the moment only the producer with the most money winns if i go tu futuremark and give them 10000000$ to optimice it for AMD singelcore, the AMD singelcore wil also win the match with an INTEL quadcore
@ Don_Dan yes. for fun! but it is not funny to upload AMD benchmarks here! in the 05 it is possible. but 06 and ventage is intel optimized and so you have noch fair chances with the distribution points of HWbot of the moment. build one INTEL and one AMD system wich has in 05 the same score and than bench the same systems in 06 ore vantage and you wil see, that in 06 and Vantage the INTEL sys wil get a much higher score and with everry benchmarks in the futuere it also could be the same and so finaly the only RIGHT way ist to split AMD and INTEL and NVIDIA and ATI,..........every other way is definitely the WRONG way! 1000000 points for all AMD 1000000 points for all INTEL 1000000 points for all ATI 1000000 points for all NVIDIA and so on so easy could it be! @ knopflerbruce everybody around the world knows, that 3dmark06 and Vantage and superpi is intel optimiced and you dont know it? you want to sell me stupid?
you are wrong. there are manny different reasions to split HWbot *) INTEL wants to have the fastest CPU (diffent benchmarks are INTEL optimiced and this know everybody around the world) *) AMD produce price/performance CPU this is one of manny big different and in the future this different will not be other. and here are a few other: *) Superpi is INTEL Optimized *) 3DMark 06 is INTEL Optimized *) 3DMark Vantage is INTEL Optimized *) benchmarks in the future could also be INTEL ore AMD ore ATI ore NVIDIA optimiced *) why should i bench and match me with INTEL when i am not interested for? *) why should i bench an AMD for HWBot, if i earn only peanuts of hardware points and no globals?.....i could have the fastest AMD CPU around the world and could not get globals.........thats stupid *) because the AMD user on HWbot cant´t get hwboints, everey HWBot user with an new INTEL CPU benefits of every AMD benchmark *) if i bencht 100 realy good AMD CPU. i only get peanuts of hardware points and finaly i has 100 hardware points ore so. and i can never get globals! *) if i bench one stupid realy good i7 wich runs 6ghz ore so, i wil get much more pionts than the 100 AMD CPU *) before 1.1.2010 HWBot was INTEL optimized. after this day it is much more INTEL optimized than before take a look on the street. there is a VW Käfer and there is also a Ferrari. the VW Käfer is a Car, and the Ferrari is also a Car. but if you want to race, there must be same conditions for all. because the VW Käfer can not race with a Ferrari, because they are to different and everybody knows, that the ferrari will win. but also everybody knows, that the VW käfer is cheap and has a long live and the Ferrari is expensive and has no long live. and also they know, that Ferrari drives in the F1 and so Ferrari knows much more not allowed tricks than VW. and so everybody is interested to knwow wich Ferrari is the fastest of all Ferrari and also wich VW käfer is the fastest one of all VW Käfer so finaly the Ferrari race with the other Ferrari and the VW Käfer race with the other VW Käfer my decision has been made.....i will never bench for HWbot again, befor AMD and INTEL is splitted beacause it is not interesting to bench an AMD CPU for HWbot at the moment
hurra......ich freu mich auf die umstellung......wetten das ich noch weiter falle oder sich im besten falle frisch nix verändert? anstelle das etwas gescheites gemacht wird und endlich AMD und INTEL gesplittet wird.......... selbst nach der umstellung sieht es nach wie vor so aus, das man unmengen CPUs selektieren muss um in der AMD ecke bei irgend ner CPU nen WR zu holen und wird mit im schnit max 3-5 punkten belohnt. bei intel gibt es fürs selbige dann mal min 30 wenn sie halbwegs aktuell ist wohlgemerkt bei absolut ident erbrachter leistung# anderst ausgedrückt: hol ich mir als blindgänger irgend ne aktuellen intel und hab nen glückstreffer bin ich mit einer deämlichen CPU schon fast in den top 100 oder eventuell noch weiter oben mit AMD? da kannst 100 WR CPUs benchen bis du die selben punkte wir der einen dämlichen intel CPU hast. und nicht mal dann, denn dafür braucht man auch globals. PS.: hab keine lust es ins englische zu übersetzen, da ich angepisst bin. daher nur ==> http://www.google.at/language_tools'>http://www.google.at/language_tools *********************************************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************************************** hurray ...... freu I bet me on the changeover ...... I still continue to fall or at best fall fresh nothing changed? made to replace the somewhat clever, and will finally AMD and INTEL is split .......... even after the changeover situation is still the case that one needs to select to edit many CPUs in the corner with some AMD CPU ner nen WR get it, and comes with the Schnit max 3-5 points rewarded. at intel there for that very time then 30 minutes if it is currently half-way mind you at absolutely identical power supplied # anderst words I'll get me as blindgänger some current intel and ne nen have glückstreffer I am with a deämlichen CPU almost in the top 100 or possibly even earlier AMD? there can Benchen WR 100 CPUs up to you the same points, we have one stupid intel CPU. and not even then, because that's why you also need globals. PS.: Have no lust to translate it into English, because I'm pissed off. therefore, only ==> http://www.google.at/language_tools
i think you dont understand what i want many banchmarks are INTEL optimiced and if you bench there an INTEL who has the same power like an AMD, the INTEL is in the banchmark faster you could se it in the screens in the first post my windsor has the double power of an E6600 @ default in wprime, but in superpi the E6600 is at the same setting faster because the benchmark is INTEL optimiced
have you seen the benchmarks in my first post? there ist an E 6600 @ default in superpi1 a litle bit faster than a Windsor @ 3,75 ghz and in wprime the same CPUs with the same setting and the windsor use the half time! and in every other benchmark the windsor @ 3,75 ghz is also much faster than the E6600 @ default because @ 3,75 ghz the windsor is rating an E8300 default
@ benchbros superpi is not the only INTEL optimized benchmark superpi is only the benchmark where everyone knows that it is INTEL optimized i dont make an comparative in other benchmarks. but i know in cinebench it is the same problem! and maybe it is in other benchmarks like 3dmark ore so the same problem @ TheKarmakazi in superpi intel wil be every time faster, because it is an old application wich AMD dont evolve again
i think it would be best, if there are more different championships with global points one for AMD CPU benchmarks with global point one for INTEL CPU benchmarks with global points one for AMD + NVIDIA benchmarks with global points one for AMD + ATI benchmarks with global points one for INTEL + NVIDIA benchmarks with global pointspoints one for INTEL + ATI benchmarks with global points