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  1. GPU-z get's all that from a database, it just checks the codename or reads some bios info only thing in real time is the clocks
  2. maybe you didn't notice, but i was being sarcastic.....
  3. my score is not so important, i just think it is a bit of a stupid rule, but i will just photoshop some memory timings in that screenshot, so you all can be happy
  4. Sorry didn't know that, but you act a little bit in a way as if you are running the site/being a mod/etc. Still doesn't change the fact that this split up is just logical...
  5. It is not like memory timings will change your PI score by more then a second.... Still, better scores should not be explained at all, if the pic is valid, the score should be considered as valid, simple as that
  6. True, they have a huge effect on the score, but without memtimings your score cannot be validated? how stupid is that?
  7. again i don't see any reason why memory timings should be mandatory
  8. BTW, maybe jmke can explain why a lot of cards are split up in DDR2/GDDR3 while they still have the same name Splitting up by memory is considered normal, but splitting up because of huge core differences is abnormal??
  9. So my score was just blocked for the case of being blocked... In 3D i can understand it is blocked as vital information as the resolution is hidden, but in Superpi the memory timings are not vital, so i don't understand why it is such a big deal Right now, i certainly don't understand why there was any post on the main site regarding a new policy, since i don't see any change
  10. I also think hardware should be ranked according to specs, and not stupid names +1 for splitting it up
  11. Ok, i understand why my 3Dmark scores are blocked, but why is a Superpi run blocked when the memory timings are not shown? You know the frequency of the CPU, the FSB everything except the memory timings, it is not like a superpi score cannot be validated without memory timings.
  12. No, it is not off, just compare it to others people scores and their clocks, it is just that i forgot to show the resolution, i only have small screen and this seemed to be the best way to show everything in 1 screen, stupid i forgot about the resolution
  13. 2009-01-02 09:07:12.0 - (crew) Woomack: insufficient verification for rankings (no memory info) ....
  14. Valid reasons? A reason like this: ow your memory timings are not displayed => block...
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