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Processor specifications requests : Delete/ReName CPU Specifications

Christian Ney

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Ticket ID: 1121


Priority: High


According to Intel datasheets/CPUWorld/My website(:D)\r\nThere is no Pentium Pro 166 Mhz with 256KB L2 Cache.\r\nSo :\r\nDelete \'\'Pentium Pro 150Mhz\'\' (As there is no submissions)\r\nReName \'\'Pentium Pro 166Mhz\'\' into \'\'Pentium Pro 150Mhz\'\' (imo as the default bus of the motherboard was 66Mhz and not 60Mhz CPUZ is showing 2.5x66(166Mhz) and not 2.5x60(150Mhz) and with 256KB L2 Cache(which is the cache of the Pentium Pro 150Mhz)\r\nReName \'\'Pentium Pro 166Mhz 512KB\'\' into \'\'Pentium Pro 166Mhz\'\'\r\n\r\n\r\nThx

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