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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest george.kokovinis

I have already commented on that, the day I saw the submission.

I even reported the submission with reason : Needs more proof.


There is no logic in this submission. The video says nothing.

There is no 5960X ON EARTH that can do 5.3ghz on water, even if

a water cooler at -24 is involved in the act.


Extreme players have a hard time reaching 5.3ghz on SS or cascade at

1.55 - 1.60Volts, freezing the cpu at -55.

And all that with very good examples of cpu's.


Unfortunately the rules of the HWBOT have NOT taken into consideration

that someone MIGHT be using stronger cooling methods and submit results with inferior cooling methods ( SS - water ).


What is even more provocative in the submission is the uncore.



Really Manurap ?


On water Manurap ?


Then Sofos, Der8auer, 8Pack, Dancop with direct access to ALL producers,

that manage only 5.1ghz uncore on LN2 at -135, should throw away their equipment, their knowledge, their extreme efforts.


You know buddy, we have not come to the overclocking world yesterday.


In every society there are rules. But rules can't cover everything.

There is also a word "ethics".


Feel like cheating ?

Go on.

But you need 1.60Volts for 5.0ghz uncore and the law of physics says



dear george the cpu is very fortunate and more I use ice water temperatures about 2 degrees . in this benchmark the load on the CPU is minimal then 5.3 are possible , of course on a benchmark where the load on the CPU is increased , such as Texture integration , I can not go beyond 5GHz . moderators said the benchmark is valid then live peaceful and remember that if you can not do you not said that can not nobody do it . ps . my uncore 1,60v does not need to be stable at 5GHz , but it only takes 1,38v so kindly if you do not know that there cpu like mine , avoid calling me a cheater because I'm no cheater is you who are ignorant

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