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On my nick, I have this information:


Join Date: Jan 1970

Location: Czech republic

Posts: 424


Achievement unlocked - oldest HWbot user :nana:




Sure I could claim, that I'm the oldest HWbot user... ever :D But... there are few little problems with that:

- I was born in 1975, lol (time to edit my profile and claim that I was born in 1968 and used computers while being 2 years old :D )

- HWbot did not exist in 1970 (or did it?)

- internet did not exist in 1970 (DARPA was not _THAT_ advanced, lol)

- computers in the years did not looked like there could be benchmarks run on them... or maybe, let's bench how fast the operator can program the computer? ( http://s17.postimage.org/i76vs9227/computer_from_1960.jpg )

- I did not joined so quickly :D




Okay, jokes aside. It is clear, that my join date was reseted somehow to the linux beginning of counting the time :D I have no idea, what happend and it is quite cool bug anyway :)


I would almost say... keep it that way. But on the other hand, it is a bug, so I have to (reluctantly) report it ;) No rush to fix this, unless it cause some errors there and elsewhere... ;)


Yep, I see that it is just the time that get reseted... (hopefully nothing more) And I had to report that, because it is not true that I joined in the year 1970 :) But it is a funny bug never the less.


How come your join date is fine? (May 2007 - just in case it get down too, lol)

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