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Q9650 SuperPi - Do you cound hundredths of seconds

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I can't. I sold that chip yesterday. I wish I could do that! I don't get why that's not possible to fix though.


I could have easily beaten this had I known when the setup was still together (LN, insulation etc.). How was I to know that wasn't a sufficient amount to be in first?


Oh well. I think you should at least warn others about this, or did I miss that rule?


So back to my topic, do hundredths of seconds count in 1M or not? Yes or no?


PS - Not trying to be a pain, just to understand why this doesn't submit correctly and why there's no manual fix on your end.

Edited by MrCape
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Okay gotcha, was just a little confused about the functionality of the hundredths field because the example shows three digits.


It's no big deal and if it's a pain in the butt you can totally forget about it. :)


A little more on that confusion and why I ask some details - You know when you have all of the elements of a session going at once, cooling, bios settings maxed, tweaks once booted, etc., and you have it at pretty much al maxed... you try a few runs to hone on the max setting it will pass at, get your screen shot and it looks good... I always have the hwbot scores for the HW and bench I'm running sitting right next to me on a laptop so I make sure I can beat it. :) I'm sure you understand why it's good to know how exactly these submissions will work.


That's all. I thank you for you for the great site and answers. Adios!

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