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That Problem, "The benchmark....not run using default...".It is not for the subtest run of to one, only if you change something ( no default of course) 3D'01, show this.

Maybe you change z-buffer, or something.

Sorry but this benchmark not run well.


Everybody run 3D'01, step by step, but do not have this problem.




Alex as I said at Extreme-Box forums, that is a confussion at time to submit scores, you know most of time we benching togheter, and we separate submissions to us. sometimes we confuses some submissions and submit the same. That is a mistake from us, and we appologies for that, is not intencionaly. we will delelte all that submisions that are duplicated.


Sorry for that inconvenience.


About 3d01, is not intencionaly too, I dont believe that is cheat, I know far time ago LOD was considering a cheat, so MIPMAPs to, but no Z-Buffer, I Tilt 16bits form Nhancer/Inspector too, so I have to untilt that too. Because I dont know whichs submissions were affected with that "cheat" I deleted all my 3d01 subissions.


OFF: I send you at message at Facebook, please read it.

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