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Videocard specifications requests : Please add Phenom II "915 BE"


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Ticket ID: 1390


Priority: Low


Got a Phenom \"915 BE\" engineering sample a couple of days ago. It\'s got markings that identify the stock speed as 2.6ghz, and that\'s the default frequency when I boot it up. However, unlike the 910\'s, this one is unlocked and also work in ddr3 boards.\r\n\r\nDon\'t know if you feel I\'m abusing the system, but being a 2.6 ghz chip, it\'s far from a 955be. Neither is it like my 945be ES, which has no markings except ES on it (that one clocks like shit too ).\r\n\r\nI can send you a picture of this one if you like - just not sure where to post scores if you don\'t want to add it to the database. 910 category is an option - but on LN2 and unlocked...? Hmm.

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