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RARE K6-III+400Mhz cpu in K6-III400Mhz class

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http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/k6_3_400mhz CPU_Z 689.53Mhz by DDC


This CPU used is a k6-III+ 400Mhz it is identified as such with a "D" model and EXT. model extention that are in all "k6-II+" and "k6-III+" within cpu cpuid identifier.


Also labeled across the top line of information NAME line this CPU is labeled as such "AMD K6-III+" This in itself is a updated newer 0.18-micron model version within the k6 III family which has MMX, Extended 3DNow, PowerNow capablities beyound of the k6 III regular model in the 5/6/9/9 cupid identifiers. The cupid identifiers for a k6-III+ CPU will show as 5/6/D/D.


This RARE processor along with k6-IIIE+ should be in a subclass within the K6-III also with K6-III+ 450 , K6-III+ 500 , K6-III+ 550. There may also be the rarest and undocumented K6-III 600+ but in over 15 years of keeping an eye out for it, I personally never have varified the true existance of the few 600 said to exisist.


I think Massman has played around with K6 types of CPUs' he may also shed some light on this misplaced CPU.


As being the case this proccesor is currently in first place moving this processor to its own subclass will not impact the place cup standings this processor has earned.

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i'll make a new category for the k6-3+ 400.


btw. lol 15 years of looking is funny. the k6-2/3+ came out about 10years ago. so 15 years ago you could have looked a lot for that cpu. :D


this cpu (the k6-3+ 400) is not rare at all. on german ebay are dozens of them for 10€ ;)

Edited by Turrican
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Thank you,

Yes true 1999 or so, it feels like its been more than 15 years looking out for it.


I had an oppurtunity to purchase a K6-III+550 last week, but I felt the price of around $100 us dollars was a bit high for a used one. But I did purchase a new sealed unused K6-II+ 500ACR and I think a used K6-II 380AFR both for less than $20 US dollars, both of which I plan to bench and post sometime in the future.

Edited by 1BadMoJoe
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