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DFB - 4x Xeon 7130M @ 2800.8MHz - 2800.78 mhz CPU Frequency


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I am the creator of a custom real-world and rather long-time x264 video transcoding benchmark (not the one, that some websites use for benchmarking) created for the german website VoodooAlert. That benchmark is designed to be used across many different hardware platforms (x86, x86_64, IA-64, PowerPC, MIPS, ARM, etc.) and operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS X, BSD, you name it).


Now, we've been hunting for a benchmark result from a quad Tulsa system for quite some time, and it seems you got a stronger one right there. So maybe you would care to help us get that result? Would be great. :)


All software that the benchmark consists of stands under GPL license (x264 plus some UNIX-style tools), the benchmarks input video (stream from "Elephants Dream" movie) is released under CC Attribution license, so strictly only free stuff.


If you want to check out what kind of systems have already been tested, please see the [results list].


If you care to help, what you need is to unzip our benchmark toolset and copy the input video into the same location, then run "launchbenchmark.bat" and wait until it tells you to read the result from "RESULTS.TXT". This may take a few hours on your quad Tulsa. It would also be good to switch off EIST and run at full clock speed all the time.


[Benchmarking Tools], [Input Video]


Note that the minimum specs are an SSE capable CPU, 2GB of free disk space and 1GB of RAM. I guess that's no problem for your fat Tulsa there though. :)


I would be happy to hear from you. Even if you decide against it, thank you for your time anyways!




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