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  1. Hi, I solved by increasing the voltages. I know they are slightly high for everyday use, could they be a problem? I noticed that loading the xmp profile and also the der8auer profiles these values are set to 1.36v / 1.40v respectively. I can't get off, the PC won't boot.
  2. Hi, I have a maximus xi gene z390, a 9900k and I just purchased a tridentz rgb 4600 kit. Unfortunally I can't boot in xmp ( I tried 0057 bios and last official). I think I wrong something... have you got some suggestion? I would like just 4600 xmp and later push for bench... Mobo goes in 23 and 55 in loop. Thanks so much. Edoardo
  3. payment done via paypal
  4. interested... pm sent
  5. $700 shipped in Italy? thanks for reply

    [FS] 9900k

    Does it close firestrike at 5.5GHz with water? Thanks
  7. 400€ per quella più fortunata. Fammi sapere grazie

    EK Pot Cpu

    payment sent through paypal for Cpu pot
  9. conductonaut is ok. I'm not a ln2 boy. Thanks for answer I think and I'll tell you...
  10. Just few questions: 1 - which thermal grease applied? 2 - it saw ln2? 3 - is there classic warranty? Thanks
  11. cooling AIO or Custom? Is it possible 50/50 3600xmp in daily @ 1.30v ? tks
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