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  1. I have exactly the same Problem/message like Kurbel. System doesn't matter. I'm using XP32 SP3 and Vista64.
  2. I am wondering about Gigabyte. There is no usefull tool to overclock the Windforce GTX580. On the cd is no tool inside and at their homepage is only OC-Guru V1.26, which allows not to change the voltage (GTX580 is shown as GTX450, means no compatiblety to GTX580 Windforce). I hope, that there will come an compatible Tool for the Windforce GTX580 soon. I think that could not be in Gigabytes interest, that owners of the Windforce GTX580 have to use the MSI Afterburner for overclocking.
  3. Special Thanks to Bullshooter@HWL :-)
  4. Special Thanks to Bullshooter@HWL :-)
  5. Special Thanks to Bullshooter@HWL :-)
  6. Special Thanks to Bullshooter@HWL :-)
  7. Special Thanks to Bullshooter@HWL :-)
  8. you made a little mistake by entering your score. instead of 32665 points there have to 31665 points.
  9. of course it's a bug It was about 1,61V if I remember right.
  10. Ticket ID: 692 Priority: Medium Would you be able to integrate this new GeForce Card with its two Versions (GDDR3/GDDR5)? I will get one of these next week and of course want to make submissions. If you need a GPU-Z Screenshot, I can post it if I have the card next week (Monday/Tuesday).\r\n\r\nGreets, Atte
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