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Everything posted by gotohell

  1. 10x!! Achievement yes, but pic related...
  2. The GTPP recalculation button did not help (it only made it worse), achievements can only be obtained after pressing the "recount points" button. This is normal? Or did I get something wrong?
  3. " someone can dump it" Oh lol. It just ")))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))" "no need to spam 50 old threads" I bump comment on site, not threads. " if someone can dump it " Whatever, i found fix for GA 8651M RZ
  4. Bro please dump BIOS from SOYO sy-p4vgm \\ my telegramm @ism1337
  5. Маму ебал создателя чипсета сис, сиськи ей рвал.
  6. me in telegramm : https://t.me/ism1337 HW retard group : https://t.me/hwretard
  7. ахххх ты девка портовая :3, сисю заюзал? Ничего ничего, скоро нашлепаю тебе по жопе с моей Ати А4
  8. gotohell

    500 error

    What about aquamark file??
  9. gotohell

    500 error

  10. gotohell

    500 error

    Damn bro, its 400-600 kByte (for main screen) and 2MB-4MB for another photo. The error occurs when a 10KB file is downloaded. (aquamark)
  11. gotohell

    500 error

    I hate it. Fix please. http://rgho.st/private/7T6HzGDhT/0b3096e84051d3c7b7b296dbd07ba4d7
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