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Everything posted by ReHWolution

  1. Nice score with the HD6850, but maybe you forgot 1 thing...Coibentation, maybe? :asd:
  2. I'm definately ROLLING on the floor ahahahahaha p.s. send me these rams, i really need sum good DDR2 for my P45
  3. yoku yatta Dakara-san! Could I know your name on FB or ur MSN address?
  4. Vince, i want you again on the top.....I liked a lot the USA flag over everyone's country
  5. Wow, gratz DAKARA for your score....GREAT!!!! What's the max benchable frequency with it?
  6. C'mon Turri, take back the lead on Hardware League, show Gradus that you can't be beaten so easily!
  7. Ticket ID: 673 Priority: Low Hi all, I\'d like to know if the nvidia GT130 can be added to the database;)
  8. Ticket ID: 668 Priority: High Good morning, HwBot Crew!!I\'d report a guy that used a 4650 instead of a 4570 in 3dMark2005, in the image there is a 4650, but it\'s the 4570 section..i think it\'s unfair...\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/listResults.do?gpuModelId=1568&applicationId=5&filterUser=true&filterBlocked=true&sli=false&limit=100
  9. Still no answer......y ur ignoring us ?
  10. Hi all guys,i opened this 3d to ask for sum help...2 of my fellows have been unbanned,and now their score is not listed in the team's score,could i know how come?I'd like to know as soon as possible if i dnt disturb thx
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