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  1. Ticket ID: 1730 Priority: Low Please place me into pro-oc .... many of my submissions have been with es cpus. If I ever come back to overclocking I am likely to submit with es cpus again. Place me into pro-oc.
  2. I've not experienced the issues some folks have reported here. I have used painters tape (blue tape with light adhesive glue) as that is what I've normally used to protect the copper from being spoiled by the insulating foam.... I've used nearly all my pots (and I have had nearly every design offered by Vince for CPUs and GPUs) with Ln2 as well as dryice and have not had any leakage issues ever.... I don't know why someone would run straight uncooled water through a pot on a system ... but having said that, I think even if there was a reason to do so it would be obvious to plug/seal all possible avenues for water to leak from...seems like common sense to me... Just me saying and I'm nobody so take it how you will. I've been out of the oc scene for over a year now so maybe things change a bit... but I trust Vince's pot are not the issue, rather user head space and timing (only military/ex-military will likely know what head space and timing is).....:celebration:
  3. brave brave little dude...... must have ended up a CEO of some company....
  4. Totaly!!...obvious GF has logged into his account and posted for him ... sounds just like my wifey :celebration:
  5. Damn Guns... u really know how to hurt a guy's motivation
  6. Let it rain...... Great job Dean!!
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