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Everything posted by SmokingHV

  1. i cant wait for that cpu... its awsome i think.
  2. Sorry, but this is bug run, please delete this.
  3. Just got it... My mistake. Thanks for helping and understanding.
  4. Massman, yes i do... There is little point on my argument, though.(Single GPU HOF is not mentioned) Ok, I'll stop the crap and upload the vertification.
  5. I know, but rule says nothing about Single or Multi, only "Hall of fame". And when i open the Hall of fame, then there are only best of the best 3dM03 scores.(It means that my score doesn't belong to Hall of fame) My point is, that rule is not formulated correctly then.
  6. I have an question... I uploaded an Single card TOP20 score and it's asking ORB link. When filling fileds there is red text "required for top 20 hall of fame" and althoug there is no way i'm goining to get into the "hall of fame" with only one card.(http://hwbot.org/rankings/worldrecords) So what's wrong? Misrule?
  7. Massman, ok, let's to it... When i have the results i upload them... EDIT: Can't get it working. Before i've got it working only with Nvidia GPU-s and rivatuner. Be real, it's now possible to get so good score, even when you use all your tweaking skills. My experience says that 3dMark06's score raise is minimal with tweaks.
  8. 0-5, 10 and 15. If it makes you happy, i can make quickly few runs.
  9. Still have my two PRO's and i have tried LOD. Score raise was minimal. That's the reason why I didn't use it. It's not possible to get so much better score when useing LOD.
  10. With this score i didn't use anything... Only CCC-s quality to performance.
  11. Massman, you can watch my conservative score and frequencies... I don't sue anybody or want to make trouble.
  12. I see, but score is still weird... I give up.
  13. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=723603 - This score is way to good for rig like that.(Frequencys and so on) Secondly he has flashed his vga to "XT" and this score should be in "XT" category then..
  14. Same here! WTF! fix this shit.
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