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About ADVenturePO

  • Birthday 06/18/1981


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    Science, PCs, OC, Sports, Cars ...


  • Occupation
    Company Owner


  • realname
    Piotr Orkisz

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  1. I'd like to ask how do you guys change TDP of this CPU. On Bios 1004 I can't overcome 140W. PBO enabled, enhanced, manual ... nothing works and in fact, my CCD1 is working slower than CCD0. 4850 vs 5050 MHz. How? Which bios have You used? Thx
  2. @MR.SCOTT Hello :D Thank You for clearing this up for me. Have a nice day :)
  3. @LEEGHOOFD Hello my Friend. I have a question: like I have a lot of hardware, so I've uploaded 2-3 results for some AMD benchmarks... but only one is visible. Those are totally different machines, totally different CPU's the only common denominator is me. We can't participate multiple times in one benchmark? I haven't found anything that would say I can't but I'm only getting hardware points and my results are not shown in Country Cup benches (not more than one). Thanks
  4. Wow. Great description! I'm just reading it on my X79 Deluxe with 2400MHz DDR3 CL9 RAM. :D Can't you just write "LGA1156 DDR3 RAM" There even was LGA775 using DDR3. X56, 1155, 1150, X79 ... That is also why those competitions are getting more and more annoying. Why the F do you pretend it's just DDR3. No it is not. It's for specific platform. Don't play like that admin. Cheers.
  5. Dear HWBOT, OGS, Splave, Xtreme Addict, rsannino, Rbuass, mllrkllr88, bigblock, Luumi, Rauf, keeph8n, Dancop, ikki and many more are great overclockers. I do bow before them as I'm only air and liquid guy.... But bear in mind: we Enthusiast can't and will not obtain similar scores. We are operating after the gap and there is more: Fun fact is manufacturers makes BIOSes for their cards. Exotic also - I just got to know. Like ASUS made 600W BIOS for Strix. It is impossible to get this BIOS even if you would like to go for NDA if you're not a partner. So... the Elite or people who are already partners with ASUS (or others) will get 600W BIOS for example. They will beat every records. Others will be trying to compete with standard 450W BIOS. The Enthusiasts which are not manufacturers partners will be competing on much lower cooling capacities with 450W BIOS. Then comes the gap in scoring... Our points are just scraps of the scores from Elite/Extreme group. Despite we are trying to compete and testing our possibilities on every platform there is... we are not really getting anywhere close. But does it really depends only on time spent on overclocking or event on the sample of hardware that we have? I think not. Couldn't HWBOT establish much more divided scoring in different Leagues? Including the gap in scoring between Elite or sponsored result just seems more and more unfair. I am a patron of Benchmate - this should be obligatory for any benchmarks in Enthusiast, but enthusiast should have different scoring. Rookies nad Novice should be divided for Enthusiast Rookies/Novice and Extreme Rookies/Novice. If submission is for Enthusiast type of score rig picture and Benchmate is required. Right now operating after gap is just killing the fun more and more. You can have like 1st score in Enthusiast league and get 2.3pts... despite you were better than next 600 scores and even 20% better than average. Because there are 25 Extreme league scores better than yours and no 1 with LN2 is 30% better than yours . Think about it for the next year HWBOT Team ;)
  6. Dear @Gainward I can't as this CPU was sold long ago. As I remember I moved BCLK to 106.9 and pushed Vcore a bit. There are many times problems with USB on many platforms when jiggling BCLK. It depends really on RAM timings. It might be that yours are much more stable. You have 800MHz, I had 1140MHz absolutely max for this CPU.
  7. Thank you very much @l0ud_sil3nc3. I'll try with 3970x Shame I haven't had asked faster.... ehhh, I already send the 3990x CPU and MB ZIIA away. Maybe someday I'll have it again.
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