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Everything posted by Hollywood

  1. Massman, but it isnt that different now! You still need a shitload of money to take a topspot!
  2. Sure it is! But to go for the top, you need to have both! No matter how many vgas you bench!
  3. I am totaly with you on this but: If you want to get one of the top spots in 4xGPU category, you cant run them out of the box! Same as in 1xGPU category. Whatever you do, its still about the money. Or are you goin to say that bencher without the money to buy tons of LN2 and running the cards with stockcoolers got a fair chance to play within the global game? I guess not. So my idea was about the 5 gpu categories. Mabye its a way to hand out global points for each category to the user and team and just the best score will get HW points. Still a lot to think about...
  4. No doubt, rev3 needs to be tested b4 big changes could be done. Just goin to explain my thoughts: If you want to be competitive in single vga, you have to have LN2. That means you need a pot. All that sh*t costs money. Same if you run 4 vga with stockcooling.
  5. IMO everyone should gain points in each category. Okay, he does, but only the best placed score is for the user. The other one is for the team only. I dont get what was that wrong the points were given in rev2. What about the 5 categories for 3D benches? Is this idea that worse?
  6. Hey Massman I know what you re talking about. I guess we all know. But it is a fact, that the new system is not as good as rev2 was. Rev2 was okay, just needed some little changes as i wrote b4. I rly like the idea of having 5 categories for 3D benchmarks. So its everyones decision in wich category he will take part. Ppl with less money would have a fair chance to get a fair amount of points in the 1xGPU category. This is about global points only. Hollywood
  7. Signed! Thats why it would be better to have a category for each setup: 1xGPU, 2xGPU,3xGPU, 4xGPU and one overall ranking. Points should be given in all categories. HW and global. Use the system, points are given to a rank like it was in rev2. Benchers could choose in wich category they want to take part. Sure, ppl with more money could take part in all categories, but thats life! Example: You cant go and ask all F1 teams to drive slower just because you dont have a chance to beat them with your streetcar!!!!!! Achivements: If you want to keep this useless feature (i found the submit button....rofl), pls use smaller pictures! If someone gets 10 achivements for example, the pictures take to much space on the profiles page. Hollywood
  8. 1. I want to say "thanks" to the HWBot Crew for giving a place to compare and compete with benchers from all over the world! 2. The way the points are given right now is not what i like to see. IMO it should be like it was in rev2 with some little changes. Why not create 5 categories for 3D benchmarks like this: 1. 1x GPU 2. 2x GPU 3. 3x GPU 4. 4xGPU 5. no matter how many GPU's (overall ranking) Benchers should gain points in all categories. Global and HW. Leave the way point were handed out as it was in rev2. About 2D benchmarks it would be cool to have the same system as for 3D example: 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core .... and so on. Also an overall ranking, no matter how many cores. Not splited up by sockets. And again: I rly thank the crew for their hard work! But rev2 was workin fine! It just needed some little changes! What you did was to change the complete system. I realy hope, that this is not the final stage of rev3. Listen to the community is the way to go. Hollywood (PCGHX HWBot Team)
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