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Ol'Bud's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Junky PHOTOSHOP submittal using old version of CPU-Z 1.42 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=276319 Does Not even have the date time group on the submittal correctly..
  2. Scotty, Aren't these Admins and Moderators at the BOT aware of these kinky submissions? Why can't they take them down when they show up?
  3. Ok,

    I removed all my submittals.

    I cannot figure out why the board was making me not participating in rankings.



    Let's start over please, by closing my account by deleting it.

  4. Thanks for the help.
  5. Ticket ID: 1068 Priority: High Can you add this toshiba motherboard specification for a laptop mother board so I can record the reference frequency in a submittal?\r\n\r\nToshiba Laptop model L675D-S7052.\r\nModel of motherboard is listed as \"NALAE\"\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1426754
  6. Got it. I'm going to submit another ticket for the motherboard model so I can record the reference frequency. Thanks.
  7. It's Ok ,Turrican, You have to enter it as: "Phenom II X2 N640" If you add anything else it just balks at the submittal. Bud
  8. Submittal is still hanging up, maybe it will take a little while from now.
  9. You're the man,Turrican. Thank you Sir.
  10. Ticket ID: 1067 Priority: High my CPU-Z submittal is not going through on this item.\r\nHere:\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1426754
  11. Nice job; Grand Poobah of the Sovereign Nation of Hillbillia!!
  12. Let's see; How much is that in Dollars U.S. Currency? How about a $10.00 per anum fee for keeping all the boints cataloged for everyone who is paid up. Not paid up? then no points,submittals or username showing on the board.
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