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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. Ok So IMO the gold cups are worthless.... and also the points
  2. That's a perfect point of view. I completely agree. :celebration:
  3. I never said that people should not bench obscure hardware ... Instead, I agree people must bench all hardware (popular, obscure, new or old). But I don't think is correct people gain many points without competitors, effort and also without dispute... Regardless of who is ... for me, must be worth points and cups when there is a dispute. If by chance for the first score .... the second ... the third score ... to my point of view, should not count points ... but only when there is sufficient number of overclockers to characterize a dispute (and it is not the new Hwbot rule... I am not complaining... but only talking about what is my point of view). Look ... this is my opinion ... never try to force things to be like I'm thinking. I know some will be favor ... and some will think against. But atm, to me, Hwbot are doing right, decreasing the value of easy points.
  4. yes mate... but also is HARDWARE RANKING... Rank ~ "a class in any scale of comparison"
  5. Maybe you're one of the affected by this rule ... or not?
  6. Nobody told is a fault to bench obscure hardware,... The fault is to give 14 points and 7 golden cups for it.... or even 60 points and Gold Global cup for competing alone... Further... still worst if the hardware was benched in stock frequencies.
  7. Why are you trying to overthrow everything, just because you do not like me and always against. What about "be limited to only the most current gen" Overclockers can use cheap CPUS and VGAs... E8600... Q6600... i7 920... for example... Also a 9600GT or even a 8800GTX...and I am not talking about Sandy Bridges and Titans... Is not about new gen... and YOU KNOW I am not talking about new gen. Its about to deserve or no...regardless the hardware used is newest or old.
  8. No mate... is not about me...since I was includded in Pro League... and it's not about "Pros". The points and cups should be earn for those who fought to get them, and not for those who bought (or borrow) hardware that nobody has. How can the points and cups be important... if overrclockers get it without effort and also without overclock? But in my way of view... points and cups should be the goal to overclockers that want to climb in the ranking...and not for overclockers that only "click and run" benchmarks. Nor disrespected anyone or mention any overclocker. Just don't like seeing overclockers working hard to earn something ... while others earn without any effort and skill. The question is... Do you think is right an overclocker get a "obscure" chip... that nobody has... and get 7 gold cups, 14 points for only run in stock? Do you think is right an overclocker get 120 points and 2 global gold cups to run Wprime with a 200 cores Xeon, competing alone? Just my reply to the question is... "No"... without disrespect no one.
  9. IMO because is a Overclocking League and should evaluate the "quality" of the overclockers.... and is a "RANKING" What is the value of a gold cup? ​​... If anyone even competing alone win one without any effort... competing alone. What is the value of the points of hardware? ... if anyone, even competing alone makes get 14 points and 7 golden cups without effort, competing alone (PCM05, CPUz, PiFast, Spi1M, Spi32M, WP32, WP1024). Here is the league overclockers and is not house of charity. In my opinion, this change represents a great improvement, but still I would be more tight to distribution points. For me ... earn points only for those who deserve it .... and not for those who missed five minutes to press the "click" and run... Most of this guys spent more time to look for easy and obscure hardware to get their easy points and cups... than to bench and squeeze the max of the hardware. You can search that will find hundreds of overclockers with lots of points and cups ... running in stock ... making points and winning prizes without any effort. I even know many overclockers who works that way... and is best ranked than good overclockers.
  10. Maybe... if 80% looks for obscure and non competitive hardware to get points and cups... Here mate... is "overclocking ranking"... and imo must be measure the ranking by effort + skill... and best ranked must be who squeeze the hardware to the max.... and not for who looked for obscure hardware ever to get easy points, cups and medals... So... this change was needed. "get IB-E and call it good" It depends... imo, only if IB-E are not earning easy points alone
  11. For a long time, HWBOT should be changed and not earn many points to "obscure" rankings, If someone says: But I struggled to get a result ... but alone in the ranking... competing alone against himself (or even... almost alone)... I would say... this overclocker chose the wrong hardware.... and must go for more popular hardware.... because nobody can compare scores... if there are no scores to compare. So, to me: No more easy points ... no more 60 points for who competes alone ... no more nothing for no competitive rankings (who benched alone or almost alone) And more (if is possible.... even I believe will not change)... IMO No more cups and medals for who compete alone or almost alone... . So you will see lots of overclockers... "obscure hardware hunters"... that ever got lots and lots of cups, medals, and 2 points + 2 points + 2 points + ... take their real place in the ranking)... I am against also to give 2 points for doing nothing... as people and more people just running alone in stock frequencies without no effort... getting points only to click the benchmark and run. For me, it should only get earn points and also cups and medals after a certain number of participants (for example, 10).... but even it not change, is just better than before ...when overclockers earned lots of points for doing nothing. I think this way to Global and even to Hardware points. Thanks HWBOT finally have understand that it is totally wrong overclockers gaining many points by doing nothing and running at stock.
  12. Sure the problem is not hide the date from me, but I need to attend events in Brazil... and also, can not travel and leave all Pieter. I have to schedule my events and travels... Anime Friends... Two more events in Universities... Argentina ExpoT3 ... Brasil Game Show and also a Corsair Conference. I just confirmed Corsair conference 10 to 21 september and need to confirm a huge presentation in Brasil Game Show (october 25 to 29). http://www.brasilgameshow.com.br/ Is not because I want to bug MSI and Hwbot, but because I need to confirm or no to be part. If is october 13 to 15, will be amazing for me... so I can attend the all the 2 october events. Thanks
  13. @Hwbot I ask kindly to Hwbot, to provide final's date. Nothing is too easy... to simply travel about one week. I have appointments and events to meet, and I can not leave things without advance warning... and maybe, others competitors need the same. Thanks in advance
  14. That's what I mean few posts ago... There are 2 way to comprove the scores... Video... or... Photos and as for the winners to bring the VGAs... so MSI can check if the VGA is correctly wired... even is death. I understand this is the way, since is officially not allowed. Wish good lucky for the participants.
  15. Looks for will be the only way... I see no other way to comprove .... only the video or check the winner videocards
  16. This will not fix the problem... This way, we will turn back to the zero... How Hwbot will comprove "who used Epower"... and "who used a Ultra High Platinum card?" I believe this is the problem... since there are no way to comprove if Epower was used... So... if MSI really disallow Epower... the question change to "How MSI and Hwbot will do to comprove the score.... video or nothing??? Then the solution if MSI disallow Epower and be sure the score is valid is: 1- Video 2- Ask to the winners to bring the videocard to be checked, so, even the card is death, they will know if the card is correctly wired ... what will be 99% of sure. I am just trying to find a good solution with the competitors, since I am just in the finals... I am not here to complain about the rules or talk about cheat.
  17. So instead disagree, what is your suggestion? I suppose those suggestion was brough because there are no different way to go. 1- if MSI allow Epower That's all right 2- if MSI disallow Epower ????
  18. Is not to fake a picture Vivi. The idea from video was not bring by me.... Unfortunately overclockers brought this...and the reason is simply.. How can somebody comprove if Epower was used or no? I disagree that video need to be mandatory, but I see no other way (do you see?) The only way I see correct and fair atm is to allow Epower... but if MSI disagree.... competitors need to find a way to check this
  19. So just contribute, Scott...as usual you are "on attack" Give YOUR way of view.... Your ideas about how to fix this issue, and not "badmouth" about others point of view. About cheat...it is not needed by me. I don't need to do, also, don't bench PCMark... (and regardless all...I am just in the final)
  20. Sorry, but picture of rig is completely useless....since it not comprove nothing....I can not believe that some people still not understand. Or make mandatory a video....or will be useless.... The only other way hwbot and msi have to comprove a hardmodded card was used (with epower zombie or even with Msi lightning zombie), is to be mandatory to winners to send the card to be checked by msi. Even if the card is death, they can check if the card was corretly wired. Unfortunately, is the only way... If is not this way, one overclocker can use an Epower and after bench, wire a Lightning Pwm just for a picture....even if it not works and not corretly wired. Since is almost impossible to be mandatory the video....sorry, but will be impossible to have comproved scores by picture if is not this way (video or check the vga)
  21. What I mean is that all this whinning not happens in the first qualifier... What schenckel posted about his point of view is real....and not fantasy... Nobody complained because competitors used stock rigs to comprove scores...so...why suddenly is everybody worried about it now? PS. Also I don,t understand what people that is not be part of competition... trolling... Let the MOA competitors decide together MSI and Hwbot the best choice.
  22. This way is was used to MOA Qualifier and was allowed and nobody complained. Did you read his post? http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=252377&postcount=287 What he means is that in qualifier, overclockers shows the system before... and was allowed without problems... and now, there are no reason to be different. I believe that all overclockers that intend to go to MOA finals, have skill enough to know that is impossible to reach 1800 Mhz with a Titan with stock VRM.... but since there are no better solutions for now... is just to "KEEP THE SAME TO CHECK THE SCORES TO SEMI FINALS". It's not about to cheat... but about to keep the rules and keep the way they used to check scores to the qualifiers... and let the rights of the overclockers that bought Titans and Epowers to the competition.
  23. Hi friend. There is no includded in the rules, that the overclockers need show the mods, instead to show the hardware. http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=252377&postcount=287 Just post the scores, and hardware ... and system will complete with 3dr file where will show MSI brand in the screenshot... and it will work. That's it.
  24. I agree Giorgio... also I know Massman and Hwbot did not create the rules, and just following MSI instructions. Since pictures will not prove nothing, I believe the best way is to keep smooth for the pictures. Just bench zombies and take a picture from the system before zombie the card is the way. If it was allowed in qualifier, will be allowed to Semi Finals.
  25. Is possible... We turn back a to original Welding the pin 2 to the eighth pin on the underside of the PWM, and it will work. Check the point with multimeter.
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