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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. Is better to ignore friend. I just "delete" this guy from my worries... lol
  2. We just spent one more night to bench the same... We spent LN2 thats expensive We had a bad weekend with a sad mother's day because people make false accusations, like you did. So..we proved ... and they (Hwbot, Futuremark or MSI) consider more than enough. So please, don't start to flaming again
  3. Congratz....very well deserved... After to be accused without ant prove, you show alive that you can. Lets go Taiwan.
  4. You are right Mafio! But there are one more thing to be consider. We do not live in a place like USA, where we can buy what we want at Newegg, Fry's, Compusa, etc. So...will be needed to create a rule to "do not sell VGA", because selled card will have same serial (if it can be detected). I just sell lots and lots of VGAs...and it is usual at our foruns. I just sell hardmodded cards, brand new cards, and I just hardmodded card to friends. For example, I have no more GTX 580, HD 5870, GTX 480, etc...because it was selled (or killed) I think hwbot can think about to be mandatory to make a video or something like this...(I don't know if is possible). I can assure I did my results and he did his own, and he will show it in Taiwan.
  5. *U MAD BRO?* Hey, moderators can be off topic too...
  6. Here... Gnidaol and me at Handy Show, Bahia, a big event to 1500 people, working at may 11 2012...after we hold a place and before to know people thinking wrong things. http://www.hardwarebr.com/forum/showthread.php?5515-Evento-HandyShow-Salvador-Bahia-%28Fotos%29
  7. There are guys trying to force people to think wrong, and doing wrong comparisons, bringing wrong things, etc. People asking about to share SSD, to share CPU, use same settings, to xxx, xxx, xxx…that’s absurd because things like share SSD do not exist and do not prove nothing (even we did share, but we didn’t share). According to the rules, is forbidden to share VGA, and we don’t share VGA, because he bought a VGA from me, he has his VGAs and I have mine. I have now important information to show you. We do not used same cpu, BUT if we used, it was not forbidden… In all places in the world, people need to prove the guilty, and after be penalized….but at hwbot, we are just penalized because our name was dirty, and nobody never will prove nothing, because we benched diferent computers in a diferent places. Gnidaol is very close to me and I sent pictures from an event we were 2000 Km home, posted few posts ago, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, to teach and talk about overclocking to 1500 people, but this is off topic to this email. Gnidaol is present in all events we did, since 2009, learning and overclocking, and now, he has knowledge enough to obtain his own results. He went home to bench lots and lots and lots of time…and since 2009, and after MOA launched, at least once a week we benched together at my home (my PCParts, to get result ONLY TO ME). The reason I am sending this email, is to to show the real prove , we do the results each alone, and tell result is similar is NOTHING. There are information about and event, we did at april 21, after MOA just started. It shows we benched together, in a class, and you can translate, we did brake World Global Record (before Ivy Bridge is launched, and it was the only great result this day) http://3dmark.com/3dm03/6467689 http://www.hardwarebr.com/forum/showthread.php?5313-Mega-Evento-de-Overclocking-Extremo-dia-21-04-2012/page12'>http://www.hardwarebr.com/forum/showthread.php?5313-Mega-Evento-de-Overclocking-Extremo-dia-21-04-2012/page12'>http://www.hardwarebr.com/forum/showthread.php?5313-Mega-Evento-de-Overclocking-Extremo-dia-21-04-2012/page12 If you translated the post here, we did told to all that we braked a World record at event but we were keep secret to MOA…so it was world record before Ivy Bridge was launched and I did improve this score to 199419 marks after AT HOME ALONE. Gnidaol benched with me, this time and at least 4 times more in my home, so…. Is SURE, he used similar settings than me, because his CPU is only a lit bit better than mine, because we used GTX3 RAM (I work for Corsair and he is a reviewer), because he get directly from MSI X79 GD65 to review, blablabla. If to be benched with diferent clocks, diferent BIOS in diferent operacional system (diferent WINDOWS) and diferent SSD is not enough, even DO NOT EXIST this kind of sharing, I can show to you be sure, why he can easy use similar settings. One main reason that prove that he benched in his home, and in separate session, is that my motherboard was killed, and I could not improve my results, but if it was not death, you can be sure I was try to improve my results, and possible to surpass Splave score was possible (nothing is impossible, even with a super score from Splave). I am focus MOA and I am 2 months without to send results there are not to MOA. I did travel 10000 Km to USA to buy 3 videocards and they gave me one more to review, you can call and ask MSI Miami, and Gnidaol did received board MSI X79 GD65 (you can MSI, South America, because he was do a review to MSI). After lots and lots he is my best student, and he is completely able to do the result he sent….and is nothing more than normal. Gnidaol just travel to MOA finals in 2010….he went to MOA Vegas at 2011….and after long time benching lots of sessions, he was able to do a great job like he did. In the pictures I just posted few posts ago, when I did show I spread overclock in events and classes to thousands,..,..in all evets he was present…. You can see in the hwbot post his soldering hardmodded videocard in the year 2009. Why we need to prove???....and why there are no one (yes….NO ONE because is not true) prove that he has not his own result. Sure I helped with knowledge…but he did alone BECAUSE he can do alone. The pictures below is from an event, to 25 people, where we benched to MOA, but the results is not for me and for gnidaol….was ONLY for me. http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/news/13499/overclocking-gathering-in-brazil-last-weekend/ Here told about our event… http://www.hardwarebr.com/forum/showthread.php?5313-Mega-Evento-de-Overclocking-Extremo-dia-21-04-2012/page12 More than 50K visitors in best foruns in Brazil, knows and follow us So…I will tell you a question. If Gnidaol usually go to my home and events, and many many times benched with me, don’t you think is normal he use similar settings than me? He knows and learned how to control a VGA temp…how to find best settings and improve results. Now….we spent lots of time, money and effort and some guys want to dirty our name. I think, after we see this topic (from our event and talking about we focus MOA) http://www.hardwarebr.com/forum/showthread.php?5313-Mega-Evento-de-Overclocking-Extremo-dia-21-04-2012/page12 And….after see the pics we working together in the Room Saloon (party area) in the building I live. Gnidaol bench with me, MSI Boards, with green MOA VEGAS T-Shirt. Is quite obvious that, using SAME MODEL RAMs, background, motherboard, cpu, videocard, blablabla, the results can be similar. In no one place in the world you can be guilty a guy if you can not PROVE (PROVE is not tell is similar). The pics above, from event in april 21, shows…the videocards, the polemic SSD Gskill, hard overclock and lots of fun. Many more and nice Pictures here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3342041344623.2140594.1076382108&type=1 We talked about to do a lucky draw in event, to overclockers, to know, IF one of the competitors win, invite a friend from there. One more important information. Few days before 1st MOA stage ends, I did chat with Massman (MSN), so, I told Massman “I just got 15K but I can not improve my result because I killed my motherboard. So, in the same day, same chat, I told to Massman that Gnidaol has good chance, before he has a 1650 Mhz card. I hope you consider what I am showing, and consider our name is dirty now…and more than MOA and more than all, I would like to ask you, as a friend, that clean this complete unfair that’s happen. This total non sense flame was bring to a guy that DO NOT LIKE ME, and I DO NOT KNOW WHY...and after this, people are flame the topic with false suppose. I think nobody in all the world, teached and spread overclocking to more people than me…that is the art I love and care to spread with responsibility and main…ethic I am waiting a providence from somebody, to clean our name, because what was posted in Twitter was really bad, and every guy that be accused false accusation, have his rights. I would like to hear HWBot, that before to prove, posted false accuse about us, check all informations and clean public our names. This is many more than enough to clear this case, and finally declarate us winners, instead to be flame false accusations WITHOUT NO ONE PROVE, and only talking $%#&@ about to be SIMILAR (OMG). Sorry the broken English…I hope you understand. Best regards
  8. I did follow hwbot and MOA rules... Nobody can prove that I share hardware, because I do not share nothing diferent than knowledge. If I told him...settings....tweaks....tricks....tips...will keep doing for him and for all my friends that question me....and its not out of the rules... In no one place in the world....people need to prove that is not guilty, but instead need to prove the people are guilty. Some guys here believe that be similar result is sharing... These guys do not consider that be used diferent operational system, diferent Bios, diferent MB, diferent RAM timings, and main.... diferent benchers in diferent places. This guys do not consider that I can help with settings, templates, and important tips (I consider that to decrease BCLK before begin CT test). This guys do not consider the most important....that until a children know what I mean... If we are doing sharing....we SURE was changed the most information was possible... We do not shared....so we do not worry to change...and again...he can set similar settings in his computer. People bringing things non sense and off topic to bring riot We benched (I in my home....and he in his home) according hwbot and MOA rules. Regardless I am sure MSI and HWBot will not find any prove because it not exist, people just spread bad things and badmouth about us... and again...regardless we go to Taiwan, this guys got their sucess to kill our hard work...our effort... I am really disappointed with this and tell to consider to make a video be mandatory in all competition So, I forgot to tell to people that question about RAM and SSD. Regardless we will not use same SSD and RAM Summarized the rules regarding team benching like they are now. Some need to be re-written or add some line to + need to add sponsored events. These rules are about CPU and GPU, not motherboards/ram/tweaks. Bench alone: - post results with your own hardware - post results with hardware you have for review, send by the manufacturer himself - FORBIDDEN: post results not done by you / not your hardware. Bench session with more than 1 person: - post result to account of owner of the hardware (3d: vga, 2d: cpu) - when sli bench with two owners (each one card) post result to one account (you can chose which account) - FORBIDDEN: post multiple results of the same session spread over different accounts - FORBIDDEN: share cpu on 2D and/or gpu on 3D benches with te I di not remember this detail... further we don`t use same harware, if we used (that`s not real), it was not forbidden according the rules. Still not see at least one valid arguiment, thats not to tell...is similar (almost similar, because I did ran memory at XMP profile, worst bios, blablabla)... Please turn now forbidden to run almost 5550 Mhz to all 3930K (if still a golden 5800 Mhz CPU...but not...a standard normal CPU)...turn mandatory to use standard and do not change SSD brand, turn mandatory to run diferent than XMP (OMG).. I think was enough
  9. Edited by me I writed a post with things I think, but after Christian Ney post, I will not post, to cause no more flame. Let's wait hwbot decision. No worries about the case
  10. I am. not worry Just show you how pathetic.are your institutions Hi....I noticed you have results. so higher than your averageI think I will. ask hwbot. if you. do it....because looks, after show your scores, you are. not able to do it Can. you prove???
  11. Why you worry about PMs and PMs... Why yo do not wait the hwbot decision... And YES... I do not need to prove nothing to you....
  12. Sorru friend... I will get a aircraft in 3 hours more...will need to upload images again...and hurry now. Will do it after... Sorry for the inconvenience. @Fester thanks mate...is this kind of thing that make me feel like quiting out an overclock only to me.
  13. Yes... I have RONALDOMR BUASSALI Código de reserva: DVEEKM Seg, Abr 16 - Ter, Abr 17 Vôos: DELTA AIR LINES INC, DL 0104 De: SAO PAULO GUARULH, BRAZIL (GRU) Parte: 21:30 - Seg, Abr 16 Terminal de partida: TERMINAL 1 Para: ATLANTA, GA (ATL) Chega: 06:40 - Ter, Abr 17 Terminal de chegada: SOUTH TERMINAL Classe: Coach Assento: Check-in obrigatório Status: Confirmado Confirmação da empresa aérea: GWL3WK Refeição: Jantar Fumante: Não Aeronave: BOEING 767-400 JET Milhagem: 4653 Duração: 10horas e 10minuto(s) Verifique os horários dos vôos antes da partida Ter, Abr 17 Vôos: DELTA AIR LINES INC, DL 2073 De: ATLANTA, GA (ATL) Parte: 09:15 Terminal de partida: SOUTH TERMINAL Para: MIAMI INTERNTNL, FL (MIA) Chega: 11:16 Classe: Coach Assento: Check-in obrigatório Status: Confirmado Confirmação da empresa aérea: GWL3WK Refeição: Fumante: Não Aeronave: MCDONNELL DOUGLAS MD-88 JET Milhagem: 0596 Duração: 2horas e 1minuto(s) Verifique os horários dos vôos antes da partida Qui, Abr 19 Vôos: DELTA AIR LINES INC, DL 1238 De: MIAMI INTERNTNL, FL (MIA) Parte: 15:05 Para: NEW YORK LGA, NY (LGA) Chega: 18:14 Terminal de chegada: TERMINAL D Classe: Coach Assento: Check-in obrigatório Status: Confirmado Confirmação da empresa aérea: GWL3WK Refeição: Bebidas - Cortesia Fumante: Não Aeronave: AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320 JET Milhagem: 1092 Duração: 3horas e 9minuto(s) Verifique os horários dos vôos antes da partida Qui, Abr 19 - Sex, Abr 20 Vôos: DELTA AIR LINES INC, DL 0121 De: NEW YORK JFK, NY (JFK) Parte: 22:35 - Qui, Abr 19 Terminal de partida: TERMINAL 3 Para: SAO PAULO GUARULH, BRAZIL (GRU) Chega: 09:40 - Sex, Abr 20 Terminal de chegada: TERMINAL 1 Classe: Coach Assento: Check-in obrigatório Status: Confirmado Confirmação da empresa aérea: GWL3WK Refeição: Jantar Fumante: Não Aeronave: BOEING 767-400 JET Milhagem: 4758 Duração: 10horas e 5minuto(s) Verifique os horários dos vôos antes da partida Outros: Cidade: SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (SAO) Status: Confirmado Recibo(s) de eTicket 1272150292004/05/1 - BUASS/R 1272150292580/81/1 - BUASS/R Informações: VALIDADE DO BILHETE 1 ANO A PARTIR DA EMISSAO-AS MILHAS DESTE BILHETE PODERAO NAO ESTAR VALIDAS PARA REEMBOLSO-ALTERACOES DE DATA TRECHO SUJEITO A DISPONIBILIDADE DE ASSENTOS I went at 16, and 19 just back to Brazil Don't forget we have higgest price here, and when I travel, I can bring lots of stuff to make my money back. You can call Delta and check infos You can contact MSI and check infos. I don' need to prove...you need to prove The invoice you can claim to MSI MIAMI CORP. 2001 N. W. 84th AVE MIAMI, FL 33122 TEL : 305-591-2229 FAX : 305-591-9929 http://www.msimiami.com Contact: Terry (VGA) P.S. I "PAYED" for the 3 cards... you can ask there. Its not my fault if your card can not get 1650 Mhz... is possible if you send to Elmor, he can get
  14. I think people should practice more "knowledge sharing" Thats mine and Gnidaol knowledge sharing, explaining and spreading overclocking to 1500 People in Fiesta Hotel, Salvador, Bahia, 2000Km from home, yesterday, may 11. This is the kind of sharing we used. I hope people do the same...if we are 1 milion...we have some importance....if we are 10 times more...we have 10 times more important to the world.
  15. Now, in a polite way, I think is ok, Just only for nobody try to force people to agreed wrong arguments. I think people can back to MOA thread to talk about MOA, and not to accuse without 100% proves...or arguments like to me similar is to be guilty. Hwbot and MSI always solved this kind of troubles and will be not diferent now. Sorry the awful english....but sometimes to me is hard to communicate myself out of my mother language
  16. Thanks friend I am really not worry, because they never will comprove what is not true. The only thing I am sad is that we should be celebrating, and not replying this kind of insinuations.
  17. Don't try to put grey lines...because 1st stage have Spi with almost 1 hour and just get one of the 15 places. Don't mix the things to force people to believe in this error. How can you compare 2600K and Lightning, both in the air, with extreme cooling. Some people here is trying to force others to belive in things thats not real. I do not want to see you talking....use same blablabla....copy same blablabla. If to hwbot, MSI, rules and eg, is not enought people to his their own work, to comprove they did, just please turn to mandatory to make a video when benching. If Gnidaol is a thief here, is sure, did take care and change sucks informations like to change his RAM to C10, to change CPU multi to 54, to blablabla.
  18. 1- Gnidaol show pic from his first lightning, that sucks, before competition 2- Gnidaol bought one of my 3 Lightnings, that was pretty good, and its not ilegal 3- We usually bench together, and I teached to the guys lots of things... and will keep doing, because lots of time I just shared knowledge what is allowed (SSD is allowed, ACRONIS is allowed to use, and use same Afterburner Profile still allowed, because he did control his bench, his temperature, his insulation, etc). 4- I never used a new BIOS, but following Gnidaol info, is cleary better than the BIOS I used...just this info is enough to clear that if I have better BIOS, was fight to get more points TO ME and no to Gnidaol. 5- VGA BIOS was provide from MSI...so is SURE we used them. 6- SURE...since I selled the card, I told him what voltages and temperatures and settings "I USED", and its not to do a "overclocking work", because regardless I told what I make, and it not mean that Gnidaol is possible to find better settings, voltages, temperatures and way to bench and improve his own result. 7- There are no reason, no prove, BECAUSE HE DID HIS OWN BENCHMARK, and THIS is the important...with his MB, his SSD, his validation key, his Lightning that he bought (AND MSI BRAZIL KNOWS ABOUT THIS CARD), his CPU (who mind if a regular CPU needs a lit bit more voltage blablabla), and main, his work. So he deserve to go to Taiwan. And one more thing...when he make his score I WAS NOT TOGETHER" and is more more than enough.
  19. @Massman... Few days ago we chat in msn.... Do you remember when I told you I just got 15K???(before kill my MB) Do you remember I told you Gnidaol has a 1650 and has good chance to go? Is just to remember... I will not post more at this thread....because I just post in galore... So...I am waiting my confirmation place to MOA, once I got a place after lots of effort. Thanks to my friends that understood me, and sorry the broken english if sometime i be misunderstand.
  20. I have no more my 3960X...that's a pity... Looking for a good chip yet... And you can be sure a 55X chip is not enought to what I like
  21. This time,....they prove 0,01% to me...missing to prove the impossible 99,9%, and will be impossible to prove what is not true.
  22. This is XMP from GTX3...what I have...and Gnidaol have. He can always take my tips...because he is my friend... I am going to Taiwan because I work a lot to this. He can always and always do settings similar than mine...equal thousands os similar scores here. You can not prove nothing....and to be similar is nothing.... FURTHER....its not similar. Motherboard is diferent....BIOS is diferent...SSD is diferent....SO is diferent...timings is diferent (regardless to be SAME model GTX3)... and NOBODY WILL PROVE NOTHING BECAUSE THERE ARE NOTHING TO PROVE. I don't need to prove nothing, because I am not worry and I AM GOING TO TAIWAN BECAUSE I EARNED. You can spend and spend and spend time....and talk and talk and talk...and to me...is not similar. If to you is similar...ok...no problem...what is the problem to be similar??? Can you prove something because a result is similar???...once is diferent motherboard, bios, videocards, ssds, blablabla... Then is enough to me, you are free to complain, but I am not worry because to be similar is normal...since I give lots and lots of tips to lots of guys. Thanks to understanding...and please...let Massman consult and check the things before spread this &¨%$&%¨ P.S. 1/1/2005 ...so what???...I don't know to update the time is needed to get the scores...
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