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Everything posted by Kio

  1. Kio

    [FS] 12900ks Sp95

    Bump Shipping free ✌️
  2. Kio

    [FS] 12900ks Sp95

    Bump Sell canceled Ks still available
  3. Kio

    [FS] 12900ks Sp95

    Here it is, you can find the first owner in a sale post not so far from here ?
  4. Kio

    [FS] 12900ks Sp95

    Hi, I have 12900ks Sp95 to sell Didn't try on ln2 Just use it for few days for waiting another chip 500 out Localisation Belgium Ycruncher Corsair icue H170i
  5. Yes, all results files can't be submitted It's not a drama in view of the scores I need to post ? But strange that it's only happening to me
  6. Hi, On seven 64 and 11 64 same way Is it for everybody?
  7. Thanks ? Try to get the right settings for ln2 run I have a lot of work to do for
  8. Oh yes i know , but doesn't work for me lol I was looking for information in scores ?
  9. Crossfire one , please repost in the good way
  10. Hey , problem with the cpu score man? Probably throttling , must be around 12000 on the cpu score
  11. Hi , I was on the extreme league , but never use ln² , just water , dice , ss cooler and cascade. Apprentice league doesn't exist before . May I move to apprentice league to be fair ? Thank you very much for reply :-)
  12. The electric razor trick !! lol Like the MadDutchdude Congrats ;-)
  13. Le coté obscur de la force lol gg !!
  14. Ok for me Mp :-)
  15. Gap 2 min
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