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skulstation last won the day on May 9 2024

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    Dorny david

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  1. ok i wait , no i don't have a background. i hope thad someone is willing to make on
  2. round 1 starting the 1 june or the weekend after computex the 8 june ?
  3. For me this is the final version. The only thing to pick is a start time and end time. And as suggested by @yee245 and @Leeghoofd it while be divided in memory based rounds Round 1 DDR2/FB-dimm Round 2 DDR3 Round 3 DDR4 Round 4 DDR5
  4. start before or after computex? everyone happy whit the proposed stages? Stage 1: CB20 whit benchmate Stage 2: x265 4K Stage 3: gpupi for cpu 1B whit benchmate and final rules? Max 2 cpu's No remote acces Windows based os only Only workstation / server hardware System pic of open case / open air bench setup All cooling allowed 2x cpu tabs of cpu'z if using two cpu's Standart HWBOT rules apply
  5. FB-dimm whil count as DDR2 As for stage 3 we can use one t'had is not chosen. My preference is: Stage 1: CB20 whit benchmate Stage 2: x265 4K Stage 3: gpupi for cpu 1B whit benchmate
  6. Ok if you also go for memory based stages then so it while be. The use of benchmate was on of the next rules t'had i want to suggest I know that it while be a small amount of users Stages ware a suggestion , i am open for changes special on stage 3 For now this is decided at the moment : Max 2 cpu's No remote acces Windows based os only All cooling allowed 2x cpu tabs of cpu'z if using two cpu's Standart HWBOT rules apply Stage 1: CB20 or 7zip Stage 2: x265 4k or gpupi for cpu 1B
  7. I think t'he most of the modern high end servers in the database , ar from a company and remote login or one time fisikal access Thad why i like to know if there is a way to detect and block remote access ( @Leeghoofd ) Splitting in different ram stages while make this competition a lot bigger than thought, But i let this decision to the moderators.
  8. i think that as long you don't use slot 1 / slot 2 , socket 370 or socket A its possible to run all the proposed benchmarks. In the database t'her are CBr20 scores from socket 604( xeon nocona ) and socket F ( opteron 2*** )
  9. As benchnarks i am thinking of 3 stages ,but i am open for suggestions Stage 1: CB20 or 7zip Stage 2: x265 4k or gpupi for cpu 1B Stage 3: Y-cruncher pi-25b or Pyprime as rules : Any cooling is allowed Standard HWBOT screenshot rules apply Verification screenshot contains 2x CPU-Z tab for the CPU's Add a picture of your benching setup ( no pictutere of a closed case ) windows server allowed Mandatory usage of the Official competition wallpaper ( if anyone can make one ) @Leeghoofd is ther a way to chek for remote desktop login? i like to block remote desktop acces , only fisikal acces
  10. Yes max 2 cpu's to start with. may be next time no limit on cpu's I don;t know if its wise to allow ES cpu's , what does the rest think about ES cpu's ? The normal rules are no ES in competitions as far as i know
  11. I would like to know your opinion. Whether you would like to have a competition whit workstation / server related hardware ? no prices just for fun Just brain storming
  12. Somewhere around 200 and 300 euro max (full box and accesoires) Where are you from? if from the EU, I'm interested
  13. Plz delete this submission https://hwbot.org/submission/5447170_ It's not gpupi 3.3 but gpupi 3.2
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