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True Monkey

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Everything posted by True Monkey

  1. Ok ...i have 109.5 Blck and 5-8-5-20 1T rams and get only 673 marks in XTU Thats what all guys get in this benchmark +- a few points Only you have 100 Points more ? No Chance to get it Sry for my bad English
  2. Blck 106.28 x37= 3,923 Ghz @ 1 core (all core 3,18 GHz) .....4.14 Ghz ??? whats that ??? a new tweak ?? ...???
  3. Dafür das das nur unter Wasser ist ......nice Chip
  4. ^^4130@ 3,7 ghz + 2600er Cl 7 .. http://hwbot.org/submission/2552165_true_monkey_xtu_core_i3_4130_507_marks
  5. ^^Oh no ....is it allowed to use a 7870er
  6. Tasos use a 7870er im Challenger Div II for Fire Strike Extreme. Thats not allowed ...only a 760. 270 or 270x are allowed He ist on the first Place with wrong Hardware
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