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  1. GG but need the photos of cheerleaders for the score to be valid
  2. moarf laminer faut pas exagérer il est pareil que moi en cpu et ram mais en cas 10 sur un 1m la diff ne se voit pas, ou alors on est en limite de step
  3. WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW great bench party I wish I were with you guys
  4. bios 713 for p8p67-m pro ftp://ftp.asus.com.tw/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1155/P8P67-M_PRO/P8P67-M-PRO-ASUS-0713.zip 1. Fix function "AC Power Loss" failure issue in some conditions. 2. Fixed some PCIE cards will down to GEN1 after S3 on PCIEx16 slot.
  5. yes of course it depends on the sketch used for numbering
  6. to be clear on looking at the # number of chips I made this quick graph no significative tendancy can be observed between #number and the maximum oc even for close #numbers, the difference of max oc can be huge mean oc is 5300MHz
  7. thanks and GG for all the teams !!
  8. yeah you're right and absolutly horrrible score by the way unbeatable !!! even with a lot of efforts we did 10 times more ;( (if we manage to submit the score )
  9. clair avec 100MHz sur le cpu tu me mets 6000pts dans la vue
  10. 2600k L039B470 #3024 5500MHz seems to be very close to the max http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2112746_mac87_cpu_z_core_i7_2600k_5500.06_mhz will update if I manage to master my µatx board
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