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Everything posted by Sanko

  1. yeah.. we only tried LN2 on 3DMark11 but the clocks just doesn't justify it. while the other scores with SLI one is put LN2 but we keep it at air cooling temp. no choice but to use the slim pot cause of the 3-slots stock cooling size, lol. the reason we could get 1356 is via volt modding, thanks to coolice. it's on 1.35v load. didn't push it further cause need to compete a lot more benchmark, we just wanted to obtain a score for "Malaysia Records" of all 3DMark and this is sufficient. Didn't even bother to max out anything, due to insufficient time.
  2. Remember to enable the PLL Overide, not leaving it Auto. I believe from .174 onwards, all of the BIOS allows more that x50 multi with the PLL Overide ENABLED.
  3. Using the latest .174 BIOS from MSI on the P67A-GD65, using ratio x50 or over it gave me PXE-E01 error. No matter what voltage adjustment altered didn't help. sigh. Edit: Enabling the PPL option works. Value keep Auto.
  4. yeah... iirc, in bios i set to 1.71v then after pushing the switch it's 1.8v. too bad now do not have the correct VR to apply the mod. only had 20K. thanks for your guide though.
  5. Yes it is, the same as gd85. Should i follow your guide in benchtec?
  6. sorry to disturb here. maybe it's a bit too late but is there anyone happen to know the VCORE Mod for MSI Trinergy?
  7. Hi Massman, would really like to have ranking based on country. an api which can provide ranking of OverClockers based on country. Regards.
  8. Bro. i'm sorry that the competition is only for Malaysian. If there's any feedback kindly drop me a msg here or at the link below. http://forums.ocdrift.com/index.php?/topic/28-malaysia-hwbot-super-pi-32m-online-challenge/ Regards, Sanko
  9. Message to rayhow: Bro. i'm sorry that the competition is only for Malaysian. If there's any feedback kindly drop me a msg here or at the link below. http://forums.ocdrift.com/index.php?/topic/28-malaysia-hwbot-super-pi-32m-online-challenge/ Regards, Sanko
  10. Bro. i'm sorry that the competition is only for Malaysia. If there's any feedback kindly drop me a msg in at the link below. http://forums.ocdrift.com/index.php?/topic/28-malaysia-hwbot-super-pi-32m-online-challenge/ Regards, Sanko
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