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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. its great to have a benchmark that people dont need a 6ghz cpu or 1700 cpu to compete in, to be brutally honest you dont even need a raid controller to be top 5 5.3ghz, a few old irams, or some new sata3 ssds or perhaps some acards and your in the game.. dont need to bin anything! i like that
  2. sure i enjoy this bench, its everything i like in a bench, need to use ln2, but need to manage alot of subtests along the way, haha oh look forward to seeing what you got to play with dude, im playing with areca 1880 and some highpoint controllers at the moment, and OCZ Revodrive 4 will get a run soon too, storage <3
  3. hahaha you'll have to wait and see won't you
  4. open your big mouth, what do you have thats so great? a backup of 33rd place in AM3 again? either do something good or STFU
  5. the more i think about this, the more I think you are right, its a good time to remove it, regardless if we do it or not, the current scores are junk, so lets do it properly
  6. why Chispy? because you can't get good score with these rules?
  7. Looks good to me, I would vote to keep to keep hd startup, but I'm cool with whatever tbh You gotta remember every benchmark bugs and it'll always happen, so let's treat that situation with respect when it happens and not make the person feel alienated
  8. AMEN, i agree with this, as long as what your doing falls under the existing rules, our on going issue is people find something that is within the rules but are forced to give it out regardless if they want to or not, just to not be labelled a cheat, i dont expect hazzan to let me use his graphics card because its not fair i dont have one (even though im jealous as hell) and i dont expect hazzan to expect me to give him a tweak because he feels its not fair and hazzan you know i love you, just using your name for the example
  9. im all for opening up the benchmark, im all for opening up all the benchmarks, but i am hesitant to what may occur when someone discovers something new in the future.. regardless we need to stick with 1. no programs that change the benchmark perception of its score 2. no mft of ramdisk alternatively we could specifically change our rules to open up these known tweaks.. but what happens when the skilled Greek's find something new and John Doe cant work it out, or someone bugs the bench and cant explain it... we fall back into the same cycle with this bench as its at now..
  10. ah nice Goddy you finally got there, crazy high clocks bro
  11. i have an idea id be happy to abide by, and don't get it twisted, i have certainly called people out in the past, and it really is unacceptable behavior without proper proof of wrong doing, my suggestion would be for reporting of submissions to be anonymous, so the person whos submission is reported doesnt see who reported them, let hwbot do the investigation and respect their findings, and all this name calling and cheat calling in public should result in a 1 week ban from hwbot..
  12. i certainly agree with the proposed rules so far from Chispy and SAV, this part of showing device manager, how many raid cards used, how many devices, we need to think about that... i know i certainly dont have software installed on my OS that displays my whole raid configuration and how many devices are making up my raid.. and i am sure when i am loading 4 windows of cpuz + gpuz + the extra tests + device manager + some areca raid web page controller + possibly and ICH based controller program i will probably crash with my gpu at 1450 and my chip at -150 or whatever its at, there is a point of taking that too far... but you could consider just asking people to open device manager and expand the "Storage controllers" tab, past that its all a bit grey i think... so everything allowed? you sure you want to make that a rule? im happy with it but i dont want to hear any complains when.. thats all day every day
  13. dr dre says "who kare"
  14. we could certainly remove it and it certainly is real world performance (similar to virusscan performance) the only reason i suggested to keep it as it adds another layer of complexity to the benchmark which is kind of neat validations are still good on 3dmark.com for pcmark so we should require them still i suggest
  15. Cheating is a strong word and just reflects the ignorant perspective of a number of members if this community, I have the answer to solve all problems, let's ban all tweaking, No tweaking allowed, just install os, install driver and run bench, let's do it
  16. okay i think it would be stupid to remove pcmark, it is the only storage based benchmark we give points to lets think about this for a second, biggest bottleneck in PC is storage, yet we only have 1 benchmark that tests storage and we are considering removing it? i dont get it, yes there are lots of interesting things in pcmark but thats good isnt it? do we just want boring benchmark that all you need is the best cpu or gpu.. lets think about all the benchmarks we use.. i can only think of a few examples 3d01, 32m where you can actually catch up without the BEST equipment but you still need near the best.. the only real example of something that takes real skill is 4-way and thats too expensive for everyone to play.. you can get top 3 pcmark with 4 i-rams or 2 acards, an old 5870 and a sandy bridge... the main issue here as, the benchmark has evolved, the rules are still set at 3 years ago, lets look at the rules, what should be changed or stay, here is my opinion. 1. keep 220 startup limit, it adds some character, often i get a great score but startup is 240, it makes this bench harder and better for it 2. KEEP no MFT and ramdisks... these are not real performance figures, its like mipmapping, it shows a score, but it doesnt actually work 3. allow BROWSER CHANGING and optimization, okay lets look at it, if anyone else has tested, they will see its extremely hard to make pcmark use anything except ie, and at the moment IE9 is the fastest browser, and what i have been using since it was released, before that i used IE 5.5 just for clarification... i think if you are clever enough to make another browser faster (and i sure as hell never been able to) then good luck to you, you deserve it.. after all its called web browsing we are still web browsing right?, and were not replacing part of the benchmark, were replacing part of the OS.. how is this different than using a different driver, or operating system, or using nvidia inspector to force d3d compability mode bringing our gtx580's in line with gtx275 4. allow all the powertoy encoding tweaks.... this is a sour point for alot of people, is it allow, isnt it, we really need to address this, it certainly should be allowed, then there is no debate.. i think of course we should keep banned anything that alters the benchmark perception, ie speedhack, etc.. but changing internet explorer options, optimizing your hdd array, changing inbuilt video encoding settings or moving your mouse during a test are not altering the perception of the benchmark.. its just a quirky bench and thats what makes it so cool.. i think its sad that we cant have a bench thats tweakable, do we need to bin 30 PCS of gpu to have a benchmark now? thats so lame.. this community has a serious problem with anyone getting an advantage with 'tweaking' as we call it... if the tweak is in the public domain its a tweak, if only one person or a team know it, its a cheat, STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN.. if you have hardware skills and can mod your hardware to give an extra 300 mhz you dont need to explain shit, but if you get an extra 2 FPS in GT3 in 3dmark 05 then your a cheat and should be burned at the steak... real talk
  17. lol chispy, i think you need to slow your role, who the hell are you to question this guy? lol
  18. nice result Chispy, you are getting there for sure mate
  19. sweet result SAV, you got it together there
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