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FtW 420

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  1. I can hope, it would be about the luckiest ticket ever...
  2. Congrats to the winners! No heaven score for me, couldn't get it to finish at stock...
  3. Still working on heaven, it's hating me. Trying to give the board a quick dry off & try again...
  4. I'll be in (at least try to be in), filled a dewar, picked up a z97 board & just need to find some benching time, hopefully tonight. Haven't really been online the last couple months or benching anything so it was more than half over before I noticed.
  5. Looks like Catzilla submission has changed a bit since I subbed some scores a few days ago, before I was submitting from Catzilla & had to add the screenshot in with the rig pic fields. Now there are fields to add the screenshot & verification link, but with a link in the compare url field & a screenshot in any field it fails to submit saying I need to add a screenshot.
  6. Is submission verification from the Catzilla website still required for scores or is screenshot only OK? I see in the rules the verification is mandatory, but after buying the advanced version I have no option to use the advanced features in my Catzilla account to be able to select & submit scores, keeps telling me i need the advanced version...
  7. Looking at superpi with 4960x, same submission ranked in both 1st & 2nd place, both betting HW points. Seems a bit buggy http://www.hwbot.org/benchmark/superpi_-_32m/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_2969#start=0#interval=20
  8. I arrived back home late last night, it was a great trip & a great experience, thanks to MSI, Hwbot & all those involved for sponsoring a fantastic event like this! Congratulations to T0lsty, Lucky_n00b & Xtreme Addict taking the top spots in the classic battle, also Rbuass, Vivi & oc_windforce for breaking records on freestyle day. For myself & a few others it was our first time at a competition like this, I have a lot more appreciation for how difficult it can be! Having a couple of hours in each stage is quite a challenge compared to benching at home when I have weeks or months to come up with competitive scores. It was nice to meet the other benchers, MSI staff, hardware reps & the folks from OCtv & other media present. You all helped make this an unforgettable trip & hopefully I can make it again next year!
  9. FtW 420

    eVc ordering

    One for me too please
  10. The probes aren't too accurate, but my thermo was at about -120°.
  11. Hmm, magic marker mods?
  12. Disappointed that I won't be able to use my Titan... But at least I'll be getting good MOA mileage out of the 7970!
  13. Did not want to see this possibility of epower not allowed discussion. I had to talk someone into selling his epower, bought evbot, & made myself a nervous wreck while trying to get it done. BTW, thank you for posting the guide XA, it came in very handy!
  14. The MSI Titan bios has nvidia as the subvendor. Is it OK being the actual MSI bios, or does it need to be edited to MSI? Hard to compare in hex when there is no MSI subvendor Titan to compare to, I'm a complete amateur in hex...
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