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Everything posted by Voiager

  1. Nice efficiency bro, congrats
  2. if I had 4 dimm memory psc I would have used, but I only have 2
  3. Great score my friend, impressive!
  4. Oh Yes, I also had problems with the 9.12 drivers. I will try to use Windows Vista
  5. Look at frequency.....7090MHz.......asd
  6. thank you brother, I am very limited by RAM. I hope to arrive in the new time
  7. Oh Yes Mat_Agnesi, merit of the improved efficiency of Haswell, especially the memory controller
  8. Yes bro, after having reviewed in... but this screen is nothing, look at this other result (Post 503) http://www.xtremehardware.com/forum/f155/comunicazioni_da_per_voiager-31323/index51.html Unfortunately, the data file is corrupt and therefore can not submit
  9. I'll do it again posting the correct screen, that right is right. As for me I ask the admin to remove the stitches even eliminate existing
  10. I'll do it again posting the correct screen, that right is right. As for me I ask the admin to remove the stitches even eliminate existing
  11. Esatto Andrix, ho avuto problemi cosa che x esempio non me ne ha date l'Asus (stesse Dimm). Grazie per i complimenti dei results
  12. Thanks Andrea, It's not difficult. It only needs very cool temperature. Of course when it reaches the frequence limits of the processor, experience helps a lot.
  13. Very very good, Well done. But it's the CPU that I know?
  14. Uellà bella li Roberto, bene cosi. Ma presto credo avrai concorrenza, spero che come hai detto escano dei drivers più maturi ed un tool x l'OC cosi da spingere ancora.
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