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Everything posted by rsannino

  1. yes, is fantastic uncore of this cpu . thanks
  2. Grazie ragazzi .... devo migliorarlo una manciata di punti al 3° posto ma non è semplice...
  3. Thanks ... P.S. anticipated time .. There are two servers and are not aligned?
  4. eleet in windows report 1.1, try with a tester
  5. GT3 is very high! I block temporarily the submission and i try to make other submission
  6. QPI-VTT is set AUTO - with high uncore I have tested best 3D Mark
  7. Thanks for the advice dinos22..I will try..but some combinations have been already tried like can see in mine aquamark or others result
  8. Non moltissime devo ancora ottimizzarlo per benino, comunque le solite: maxmem, swap file , midifica di alcuni registri per la gestione della memoria e della cache ....
  9. Grazie ragazzi ... per il prossimo step si vedrà, al momento giusto di certo arriva anche quello Ciao
  10. tx ..... Batch is 3005F661, Vtt/qpi auto (1.1 into eleet) and vmem 1.72 ... the uncore this cpu in this benchmark is not the best . short try with 4x 5870
  11. ops sorry for error ghgh ..... is not 5870 but 480 thanks for the advice byby
  12. correct orb submission.... sorry for my error
  13. Now, with version 3.7, wr ranking is manual o auto? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1027314_rsannino_3dmark_2005_3x_radeon_hd_5870_57355_marks thanks BR Roberto
  14. CPU VTT VOLTAGE 1.5(+300) QPI Auto (1.1) byby
  15. It is thanks to 'uncore cpu, this is amazing... BR P.S. Sorry for my bad English
  16. eheh grazie mille.... EVGA rulla davvero molto bene e altrettanto le sapphire ... Ciao
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