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Everything posted by giancarlo.durso

  1. thanx' prokoo.com per l'ottima CPU Mandata .
  2. ho richiesto di mandarmi il Validate se non verrà consegnato deletterò il post
  3. sorry , i'm see the error .

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  4. hi Massman how come the results that I put for the 3870 from 512k disappear? who has cancelled them? and because?

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  5. Verificato c'e' un prob. di Bug sicuramente dovuti ai Driver con Windows 7.
  6. Hhi, don't I know' if I talk to the correct person, I am me out of the team and I don't understand the motive, as if there had been a ban, why? cosè that I would GOKUGT done of wrong, in advance excusing me if I/you had made an error however perlomeno to understand what. Thanks and I apologize me for non good English
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