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  1. Hi members, hope you all are well I have been working on this forever. I do not think there is a category for this ? This does not compare to people on HWBOT but its special to me and I would like to share it as some members of HWBOT inspired me! This is not an advertisement to get subs, I will probably waste your time if you sub XD But a like and a view and opinion will be awesome Youtube video of my Record :)
  2. Rather late than never :D K6 Game is far from over :D
  3. My P5A-B posts 140Mhz on air haha and has 150Mhz setting 900Mhz GUMANOID you are my hero (blush)
  4. Hi members My first post I am obsessed with SS7 AMD K6 So far I hold the world record for 3DMARK2000 On AMD K6 (unofficial at the moment) There is a motherboard that I am dearly after or info will also be awesome! The motherboard is Gigabyte GA5AX Rev 5.2 Chipset Rev H The picture attached is from member 1BADMOJOE, hope it is ok to use it here.
  5. @STERMY57 Hallo If you put the multiplier on 2X it will act as 6X And driver 7.76 on wondows 98 will also help.
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