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  1. Good question maybe xtu setting is a Kind of cheat for that xtu Benchmark haha noch idea just joking. Gesendet von meinem XT1562 mit Tapatalk
  2. great score. this looks like a really great OC chip.
  3. Nik hat ein neues Spielzeug. Nice one. Kann die in ich mehr als die alte Titan?
  4. i'm just testing a i3-7350k. this chip is okish with vcore for me. can run 5.2 on water and its not getting very hot. after hours im stuck with my b-die. cant get anything usable find which is more than 3600 even with xmp its not booting or unstable. now i can run 3333 with 12-12-12-28-1-280 but it dosent matter which voltage i use in io/sa/dram it doesnt work. tried 3 diff bdie kits all are usually running fine with 4000 even 24/7 4000 16 is fine but not with that i3. any clue? just potato imc or anything else i can try. ----- update checked with 1 dimm 4 different dimms all running 4133 even 4266 single in channel b1. non is running in channel a1. guess something is fucked up with my apex Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk
  5. a little bit to slow how about mire dram usage. i use linx with full dram usage and get like 280gflops with 5ghz Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk
  6. didnt had this with skylake, and not beeing able to safeboot sucks with checking out max speed ramsettings, as i allways run in the same error after power off. Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk
  7. postcode 00 after allmost every warmboot. this didnt happen with skylake it just startet with my new kabylake. any idea ? doesnt matter if i do a retry, reset or safeboot. allmost all the time im running in 00. only solution is to cut power and doing a full start. Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk
  8. 8.1 rtc clock Mod Gesendet von meinem XT1562 mit Tapatalk
  9. Auto fill sucks. Anfang = and Gesendet von meinem XT1562 mit Tapatalk
  10. So u are saying for older GPU CPU Go with winxp Ort Vista Anfang with skylake anderen GTX 1070 win10. I have the Feeling that win10 64 is slow as hell with that old 3dmarks. Cant get close to Scores of others with rather slower MHz in core and mem. Gesendet von meinem XT1562 mit Tapatalk
  11. One Thing that pushed my Score was disabling all FPS overlays. But i would rather Like to know If win32 will perform better as win10 64. Gesendet von meinem XT1562 mit Tapatalk
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