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Everything posted by Gluvocio

  1. only a single SSD could give you advantages , like a VGA with more shader cores... anyway nice job
  2. nice job ! I see you like this bench
  3. nice result bro, you can do it better again !
  4. 1st place.. nice ! but have you tested higher clock on CPU / Win XP ?
  5. Great hardware job bro, you looks very able doing vMods
  6. prova a salire con le mem che per me vai meglio
  7. yes. this cpu wants more cool than other cpu and I prefer keeping fresh memory controller @1.84 volts to keep 2200 cl7
  8. Grest ! test it with lower clock memories but cl8 or cl7 timings sometimes it runs better
  9. your optimizations are like 20-40 cpu mhz . Nicely done !
  10. Nice job. I believe you can get really dangerous in this bench. With superpi 32m and 3d01 you optimized very nicely. You're doing a nice job also there.
  11. nice cpu and nice points. Have you ever tested single GPU ?
  12. nice bench, but your memory can get at least 1866
  13. Congrats ! I believe Ln2 on pcmark is hard job for skilled people You did a great score with a great sistem with human web page rendering... I understand that sk.775 single core on pc mark are sometimes random cpus. so twice congratulations
  14. thank you... there is still much work to do. In this benchmark optimizations are not less important tham vga clock
  15. ora che hai pure internet explorer 9 non ti ferma piu nessuno
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