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Everything posted by Gluvocio

  1. Too late... you're mentioned on my new e5200 submission Yes, pro is a wizard :-)
  2. Leeghofd, You've got me ! I'm hiding infinite symbol + chuck norriss in all my txt documents I decided to use it so 'cause in this trehad I Thinked to Top Dog Screenshots... they're more pretty than a *.txt file opened. I've got ORB too in most important scores. If *.txt needed , no problem. I'm thinking too there should be made clarification once at all on sector size too. People do it 'cause it's allowed. PS : I bought all IMOG and SteveRo Acards ! Now I'll destroy you with 2000+ general usage on double controller ( I joke , I don't have them and I still can't reach 1500+ general like pro )
  3. my ORB works, as you see.. but myu HWbot account has some problem... I always need a moderator modify my score.
  4. yes sir ... and I must ask a moderator to set 53.5k score instead of 52k I still have ORB problem
  5. non faccio in tempo ! Finisce il contest prima del 32m :-D
  6. I was thinking you commented another score LoL
  7. interesting... LoL I need an halloween CPU pot for my e8600
  8. argh ! role inversion LoL ... did you saved the epic meme to troll me ?
  9. Thanks ! ahaha... random CPU or binned CPU, moose ? I send you an e-mail ;-)
  10. pictures are on ! Validation link is http://www.3dmark.com/pcm05/3175111 now I edit Thank you steve
  11. you're the top ;-) I think there is no way with my actual hardware and my actual cooling and actual rules to reach you.
  12. this is the 6,05 ghz LN2 e8400 made 1 year ago... I was limited by mainboard LoL Do you think I should open the windows ? Maybe better waterchilling If I get CPU pot from Andrix85, I'll put GPU on SS 5200+ pixel shader! Yeah
  13. @ moderator : I hope you won't delete it now
  14. I'm not on stock cooling now, sir. Wolfdale is not a bad CPU in that subtests. D9GTR ddr3 @1880mhz cl 7-6-5-18-60-1T helps in Trasp Win and WPR I mentioned tweaks used there in private message to Pro.
  15. ahahah... Thanks Dopelex So I'm not the only crazy guy with 13-15°c in the room ?
  16. LoL moose, it's necessary noe... I opened my windows to get better VGAclock aircooled
  17. quale delle tante ? lasciamo perdere quante ne ho sfasciate, che ci ho lasciato giu un mucchio di soldi...
  18. I buy from daily clocker on ebay or forums asking in private to tell me batch or test FSB ... previously I was buying all, searching lower price, now I prefer to spend 5€ more, but buying half-binned CPUs I can sell you the 5ghz e5200 R0 if you want, It's My 2nd best.
  19. well done gigio... lovely main and nice CPU
  20. nice idea steve. One can do also double screen showing what's under in 2nd subtest ( I mind topdog did it often ) it's important to show all subtests I think this should be applied 1st at all on NEW submission... maybe people who made old submissions didn't thinked so. Nice idea also for virus scan on intel
  21. I sometimes use 3 disks and scratch like a dj during pcmark LoL It's easier to make 215-219 startup starting from 260 than starting from 600 ;-)
  22. Virus scan is not a problem ! You can do 9500+ Sometimes when you make 3rd run , ARECA do it better than 2nd and much better than 1st for its integrated cache
  23. wooot ! near to 1000 general usage... I never did more than 900... I should learn to use this controller
  24. my old best e5200 had CB @-145 I mind ... it was stepping R0 . 4000mhz aircooled , 4300 waterchilled , 4800 phase , 5000 Ln2 What vPLL do you use ?
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