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Everything posted by gazza30

  1. Have been trying to get this to work for the last day and no luck probably just me lol. Installs fine click on startbenchmark - benchmark runs gives me a score - what exactly do i do next i've tried alt tabbing out back to desktop but when i do the wrapper is greyed out and does not allow me to take a screenshot. down the bottom of the wrapper it says running benchmark even when it has finished as has given me a score. Ok worked it out you have to close the aquamark benchmark down then the score appears in the wrapper. I hope a readme is included in the download but other than that looks good
  2. Ah thanks for clearing that up
  3. Just wondering if i unlock my Phenom II 550be to quad core do i still submit results as if its still a 550be dual core or submit as a qquad core?
  4. cheers gents now back to benching
  5. oh well over it
  6. But every run is the same how can this be bugged i don't get it. How do i dum down my scores for the bot then?
  7. Link to what mate if you mean my gts250 3d03 result i subbmitted to the bot then it has been removed i think as i can no longer see it. The pic i added above is that exact same one i submitted afew days ago and was flagged by K404 i beleive. If you can't see the pic let me know and i'll try fix the link Thanks for looking
  8. pic uploaded
  9. hey gents just wondering why my 3d03 gts 250 score has been removed i tested every OS and found win7 to give me greater points i have used no illegal tweak and have broken no rules. It is no bugged run as K404 has suggested as i can repeat this all day long. Also K404 said it's an issue with 8 series gpu's i know this to be false also as yesterday i benched my 4870 and again win7 wins out giving me a great score but there is no point me benching 03 with win 7 as my results will just get shot down.(i did not bother submitting my 4870 result) Either add to the rules no win 7 benching for this benchmark or reinstate my score, it is no different to other people using different OS's to score better in certain benchmarks Also you would need to remove everyone elses 3d03 submission that uses win7 to make this fair and i know this won't be done. Not trying to start an argument with you at all but think perhaps a discussion in the forums need to be had because at this stage i can not bench 3d03 on win7 as my scores are good? Isn't this the whole point of what we do tweak to get the best scores. 3D01 is a perfect example of what i mean i can hit big clocks with both cpu and gpu but still can't get near some guys running much lower clocks, i do not complain there run is bugged because XP scores higher than win7 because thats just how it is.
  10. Anyone know which processes an services i could turn off in win7 64 bit to increase benchmark score
  11. Ticket ID: 895 Priority: Medium Hi made a submission for 3d mark vantage entered the correct info but after submitting it says i\'m using GTX 295? \r\nHave tried editing submission but no change.
  12. entered gtx 280 in submission but its saying gtx 295 WT
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