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Everything posted by gazza30

  1. Straya top of the page. Great job m8
  2. Congrats!! First subzero session and nothing dead WINNING already.
  3. Hahaha aint nothing gunna make your AMD chip good at 32m man
  4. Very nice thanks for sharing:)
  5. 4790k batch L436C545 Needs 1.28vc 1.82input for 5ghz boot to Xp 4c/8t 8m stable same volts 4c/8t
  6. Thanks mate that's it for this chip went poof not long after running Cine r15
  7. Goodbye lil Pentium you where nice while you lived!!
  8. Well done everyone that subbed a score this year and thanks Hwbot for a fun comp was certainly some tense moments in several stages. Great Effort from our Ozzy lads. Great community and good benchers from Rookie all the way to the Pro's had us in with a good chance to do 2 years in a row well done guys :celebration: LETS MAKE IT 3
  9. Sorry to hear you had problems but still a very nice score
  10. Romania looking strong in 32m going to be another tough stage
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