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Everything posted by Rafa91

  1. Parece que se te ha olvidado poner la coma a la hora de introducir la puntuación. Saludos
  2. WOW! First Z68 submission! Congrats
  3. Hi, could you please share the part no.? Is it khx2250c9d3t1k2/4GX??
  4. Hi, could you please share the part no.? Is it khx2250c9d3t1k2/4GX??
  5. Pues sí no se porque me marca tanto vCore, porque no estaba usando tanto ni de lejos. Ha sido una primera toma de contacto, ya que la placa me llego ayer. Lo bueno está por venir Saludos
  6. Eeee enhorabuena por ese 980X!!
  7. OK, I take note for the next time. Thank you very muh 1Day
  8. I'm sorry. I would have written a PM to G H Z if I could. He is the crew member who blocked the submission. Just out of curiosity, why the 3dmark verification URL is not enough? The you can close the thread if you consider it. I apologize again. Thanks for your quick reply.
  9. Hi everyone. Yesterday I recived a email saying that one of my submissions have been blocked. This one: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2097703_rafa91_3dmark11___performance_radeon_hd_5870_5013_marks The reason is that "fps breakdown must be visible in program window" The benchmark version was 1.0.0. So FPS breakdown was not possible. But I brought the verication URL, here it is: http://3dmark.com/3dm11/146190 It is not enough? Thanks in advance Regards
  10. Buena puntuación! Esto ya es otro nivel con su cambio de fase y todo Saludos
  11. OK, thanks, I was just wondering why do you double my score with the same CPU and GPU. Now it's clear. See you on hard-h2o!
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