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HWBOT Community Forums

Xtreme Addict

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Posts posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. We had some fun, time to move on and maybe close the topic? It was April Fool's prank so...


    I will end up this with the quotation half serious, half joke "We [XOC ocers] are like those milky cows and our grass is getting thinner and thinner :banana:"

  2. Speaking seriously, anyone (myself included) with right connections in the hosting/datacenter industry could easily afford to run the site/forum/database out of his own pocket and keep it vendor/ad-free. However, I imagine that the site's current owners would ask a pretty penny (6-7 figures estimated) just "for the brand" making the takeover financially infeasible for any enthusiastic individual or community.


    We can organize some crowd funding and I am sure we can find that pretty penny for takeover ^^

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