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  1. if I can sell sell where and for how much?
  2. you believe that ivy will go well? if not well in the ivy I sell thank you very much for the help
  3. 1664 cl6 sp32m pass any preoves ??
  4. I have a GSkill 17600hcl9-2gbxmd they do 7-9-7-23 1T at 2200 to 1.65 v not think it's the cpu This makes 105bclk 2600K and 5650> Z68 but p67> 5715 ADATA these came from a rma I have avierto are new and do not know if the memories are those that are bad or is incompatible would need to try them on another platform
  5. have proven to 2133 8-8-8-24 2t vcsio1.26v dim1.76 vtt 1.78 nothing not know what else to do
  6. hello I have a 2200 ADATA xpg + and a asus ME4 Z I do not get them stable or 2000 9-9-9-24 1.65v or 1.75V what is the problem? do not understand why I can not make stable not even start windows you can help me please
  7. point "to + conect vcore of vcore cap" to "vcore measure" right?
  8. resolved the flash i got flashed so good bios what is vcore conect to + of vcore cap? i don know "+ of vcore cap" gretings
  9. i cant flash this bios i got this error Uploaded with ImageShack.us any can help ? please
  10. hola josu ya se como cambiarme de equipo me cambio asi sin mas ? un saludo he encargado goma de esa si es milan importa es de el mismo color necesito invitacion para hard2mano si no como pillo una ss un saludo
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