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Everything posted by nachtfalke

  1. deschide "details" ca ss-ul sa fie valid + o poza cu sistemul, atat timp cat dai cu raciri nonextreme:)
  2. congrats:) reversemod on memory? 2,2 volts is default:)what type of IC's?
  3. "oc_windforce" did a good job for the "secret twik" of nvidia inspector ...this is nice work:)
  4. use 197.45 whql and try to pick up memory 1100+
  5. Yes, 3850 seems to be stronger in some bench than big brother 3870, I noticed that in 2K3 is better clock per clock HD 3850 ...
  6. vezi ca ala nu e driver de 2k1 , crezi ca dai vantage? , invata sa dai 2k1 ca ne faci de ras! aia e placa nervoasa in 2k1
  7. not 3 way ...2 way ...cpu-z mobo tab ....x8 lol!!!
  8. sehr schön ,Gigabyte kraft in 2k1 asus CRAP
  9. 2500k @ 5760 Batch#:3047A248 s/n 2LXXXXXXA4732 http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2158432_nachtfalke_pifast_core_i5_2500k_12.89_sec
  10. Thanks! If it was the EVGA or Gigabyte mainboard , this score was much higher, unfortunately asus CRAP in 2k1
  11. this is crossfire mode , frames of nature is to high for one card
  12. in mesaju ala scrie mare cat china unde trebuie sa te duci C: documente/ stivut/temp/detalies.txt ...bug-ul ala il au toate placile asus
  13. in mesaju ala scrie mare cat china unde trebuie sa te duci C: documente/ stivut/temp/detalies.txt ...bug-ul ala il au toate placile asus
  14. deschide si tu "detalies" te indruma chiar fereastra care ti-a aparut cand ai apasat butonul "detalies"
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