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Everything posted by nachtfalke

  1. Vezi ca ai dat cu HD6970 NU cu hd 5970 ....la fel si la vladut...
  2. http://hwbot.org/benchmark.application.info.do?applicationId=17&tab=rules
  3. Read here: http://hwbot.org/benchmark.application.info.do?applicationId=17&tab=rules PhysX put on the cpu not on vga( check in driver) ,because phsyX influence cpu score and the final score have nice day!!!
  4. i7 2600k L042B076 #0766 http://forum.lab501.ro/showpost.php?p=98828&postcount=3349 L101B540 #0955 Max frecv 5,5 ghz / 4 cores http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1689628
  5. Your score is FAKE what this means to you: " The benchmark was not run using defaults settings " ???? (writes under score) this score should not be approved ,because you did not follow the rules hwbot
  6. Number of frames of nature is too high for graphics core frequency, your have a BUG score
  7. Sistemu este cumparat din Germania ( aici stau ) ...Ce inseamna MGV?!!!!
  8. unfortunately we forgot to open GPU-Z, I repeat soon!!
  9. Core i7 2600K # 2591: 5505 MHz Batch: # L040B690 http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2112796_nachtfalke_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_580_142672_marks
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