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Everything posted by SF3D

  1. Thanks Hipro! This only means, that you have some serious scores in your sleeves I would need a lot more time, more LN2 and more support from vendors, if I would like to challenge the top spots.(I have got only 1 vga card ever form part makers) Too bad, that is not going to happen...
  2. I want to add, that if you do a WR, then you should always save the result file on your computer/memory stick. Then you can submit result to ORB, if more verification is needed. This is no problem, if you think it a bit. (ORB link is mandatory in top 20 scores)
  3. Yes. I hope so too I can't understand why this thread is here. What was the purpose and what does Hipro get from this? I was too high in the rankings I quess Well, next we are starting to look those scores with obvious hardware sharing. Rules are almost finished I quess it have to be also public like this.
  4. I was speaking in general in my last sentence. Still, I don't know why you had to open new thread? Why not just e-mail me or send PM?
  5. To Gprhellas- Well, no need to apologise, but of course those apologies are accepted. I didn't know it was you who tought that I was using MM. Test those different drivers and you will see it yourself To all- Everyone have right to doubt. No need to feel sorry if someone of you think that someone is using cheats or something unusual. Sometimes we moderators might miss somethign and your help is welcome. But the way these things are brought to daylight is my main concern. We shouldn't accuse anyone in public if there is no clear evidence. Thanks!
  6. Haha! What is going on Hipro.. You meant Car High = very low and Nature = very high? That's true, but here is the story. I have never used MIP tweaks in my life. You can see my thread at XS where I first got 107420 score. Next day I benched again and got a bit better score. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=182374 174.74 driver got well known bug with Car High. Best driver for car high is 173.67, but there's a bug with nature test in those. Look at Zannemas car high and nature with 173.67. They are exactly other way around: http://service.futuremark.com/resultComparison.action?compareResultId=9357375&compareResultType=6 So, the answer is no! There was no mipmaps involved. How stupid you think I am.. be a part of crew and start messing around with rules or cheats E: I really have to say, that I'm very disappointed about the way you handle these "issues" Hipro. Why you couldn't just ask it by e-mail?
  7. Thank you Sergey! Mayk got some nice scores today
  8. Single card is a single card. No matter how many gpu's are under the heatsink. Just quit arguing about this. I don't want to sound rude, but this conversation is starting to get stupid. If there is multiple cores in procerssor, why graphics card should be any different. Bench results with 2 x 3870X2 will go to SLI/CF section. That's the way it will be. I have nothing more to say!
  9. How it is unfair to have 3870X2? They are available to everyone who want to have them. When you can have two 3870X2 on same setup it will be Dual Card setup and there is own multiple card section for it. No changes are really needed. I don't feel bad, if my previous scores are beaten badly by new cards. It is part of this game. We all just have to accept that.
  10. Skulltrail doesn't change anything. For example 3DM06 can use only 4 cores. If you have eight or sixteen, only four of them are doing job. It will be single motherboard and basic system with huge computing power in multithreated tasks. No worries about that.
  11. Sometimes picture is better than thousand words. 1GPU / 2GPU = single cards 1 Core/ 4 Core = Single processors Let's stop this nonsense now. Categories based on sockets is much better solution at the moment. Simple is sometimes better! That's my opinion.
  12. I can see the problem, but what is the difference between single core processor and dual core / quad core. Superpi use only one core, so everyone can bench it easily. Wprime is multithreaded benchmark, so you have better score with multiple cores in one processor. It still is one processor, but it can do more work in same time. Same thing is with VGAs. Now you can have multicore VGA. Single card, but better results than before in multithreaded applications. Best results are obviously achieved in 3DM03 which uses almost only VGA power. This is the way graphics gards are developing and we just have to deal with it. This is the easiest solution to have more rendering power. 9800GX2 will follow 3870X2 soon. No need to discuss this further: Rich and Massman have already said all we have to say about this issue. *Don't get me wrong bazx *
  13. You still want to continue this H.O.T vs Outofspecs.gr fight? Why do you come here? That ES cpu thing is in the past now like everyone should know. Don't start this again please! You guys should solve this problem in some other way if possible. P.S O polonos can't do decision on his own, so don't blame him.
  14. I think he is talking about waterchiller. It's the same cooling method as normal water, just little colder. There's no real need to add it. Sorry.
  15. Please tell us what you know! It's important But, don't disappear after that
  16. Hipro- Why? Don't they have money or why you have to "rent" your stuff to other members? For a bencher like me this sounds really ridiculous, cause I have to pay everything myself. OCTeamFinland broke up, because some members didn't want to be in a team, where some users did this hardware sharing. Now we have Team Finland and this HW sharing rule is in use. Easy and it is working perfectly. Every member in our team accepts this rule without exceptions. Maybe we just think some things differently in here..
  17. Unseen- Your scores are valid and we did too quick conclusions with them. Those scores will be unblocked soon. We all apologise for this confusion. Elefsinaras and Giorgos. I made mistake with your results. They are done separately. Sorry about that! To all: This thread is too large considering what was the problem, but there is also something good in here. Some users post their ideas and development proposals. We have to start new thread, where users can tell their ideas about these issues we have at the moment. We are trying to do new rules soon, so everyone knows what is right and what is wrong when submitting results. After that HWbot should be even more fair to everyone and for every team
  18. Thank you Hipro to clear things up. I know that you were busy, but this info should have come earlier. This thread have gone too far. I can and will apologise Tsan, if this all you told is true. I can see the Maximus extreme and 2x2900XT, that he have used in his benches. You can tell my apologies to him Hipro. E: Frederik - That is just normal reaction from tsan. I don't mind. Why should I?
  19. Thank you for this information AN7 OverClocker! Like massman said, why don't you tell the whole story? This case could be closed after that quickly. It doesn't help if you just continue to fight.
  20. 01: Giorgos th.: 98683 (QX9650 5.5GHz, 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=679384 elefsinaras: 97719 (QX9650 5,46GHz, 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=677874 05: Giorgos th.: 35342 (QX9650 5.5GHz, 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=679525 elefsinaras: 35226 (QX9650 5,46GHz, 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=677879 tsan: 34754 (QX9650 5.4GHz 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=678157 06: tsan : 25646 (QX9650 5.5GHz 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=685631 elefsinaras: 25590 (QX9650 5.46GHz 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=677880 giorgos: 25407 (QX9650 5,46GHz 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=679526 AM3: giorgos: 324484 (QX9650 5.5GHz 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=679390 tsan: 311442 (QX9650 5.44GHz 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=678154 elefsinaras: 309700 (QX9650 5.46GHz 2900XT 850/990) http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=677885 How they have mixed clock speeds in there. Tsan could clock his QX9650 to 5.5GHZ only in 3DM06??? Giorgos got 5.5GHz in every other bench but not in 06, he got the exact same than tsan in other benches (5.46GHz) Come on guys! I have got personal messages where you say that I have imagined all this. Well, I don't have very good imagination then, I quess
  21. Have someone proved somehow, that those scores are not done with same hardware and in the same time. I haven't seen real proof. I will believe those guys if they show me something real. Yes, scores are great and that is one part of the problem. They will give a lot of points to one team. This is the reason why we are trying to do new rules about shared hardware George_o/c: Because we don't have complete rules yet. We are using the previous rules, which says that the owner of the hardware can / should post results. Now they didn't do that way. (If someone of those three members really own those parts) Why does this matter raise feelings so much here. And especially those members are angry, who are not involved in this.
  22. Monstru- Best post in this thread. Thank you! Now everyone, please calm down! This thread have gone too far. I just send e-mail to three members who have benched together with same hardware and then published scores to all three accounts. This was the point in the e-mail. Nothing more, nothing less. These personal attacks and pointless dispute in this thread are not making anything better. Situation is still the same. Those scores were done with shared hardware and it would have been ok, if only one of you would post best results. If you would have done it that way, this thread wouldn't exist.
  23. Well, maybe my e-mail wasn't written in best possible form, but why you Hipro are here to clear things out. That e-mail wasn't addressed to you? Those three users (elefsinaras, Giorgos, Tsan) benched together and submit almost similar results with same hardware. If nobody owns that hardware it doesn't make this situation any different. Only one of those three users can submit the best score from that bench session. It is clear practise and it is fair to everyone. We have done same kind of decisions with other users and they don't have problem with it. Why you can't accept this rule? No hard feelings, just fair play to everyone.
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