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jeremiaspc's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I totally agree rbuass. We have no one overclocker in all our country, that plays 4 cards... The only one that we have lives in Japan. I am sure we will be many more fair if we have only 1 score valid each benchmark... rbuass+1
  2. nice run renato, an excellent cpu and vga for a great person! congratulations you deserve
  3. Congrats ronaldo! Fruto de muito trabalho, a recompensa merecida!
  4. thanks, I'm doing what I can to stand out in the overclocking world, maybe in a few years I can get into the top 10. very hardmod study is the area that already have a lot of practice
  5. parabens caio, bela marcaa!!! cpu mto boa heim!!
  6. belo resultado! ja tentou subir mais com o qpi link mais baixo?
  7. tks my friend. in portugues: dexa o frio chegar que eu sei que posso melhorar isso
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