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Everything posted by jeremiaspc

  1. I totally agree rbuass. We have no one overclocker in all our country, that plays 4 cards... The only one that we have lives in Japan. I am sure we will be many more fair if we have only 1 score valid each benchmark... rbuass+1
  2. nice run renato, an excellent cpu and vga for a great person! congratulations you deserve
  3. Congrats ronaldo! Fruto de muito trabalho, a recompensa merecida!
  4. thanks, I'm doing what I can to stand out in the overclocking world, maybe in a few years I can get into the top 10. very hardmod study is the area that already have a lot of practice
  5. parabens caio, bela marcaa!!! cpu mto boa heim!!
  6. belo resultado! ja tentou subir mais com o qpi link mais baixo?
  7. tks my friend. in portugues: dexa o frio chegar que eu sei que posso melhorar isso
  8. thanks for the help, but the points did not come back, it takes for them to return? thanks
  9. cuidado pepe, vão lhe reportar por ter usado multi 7x! refaz o teste ai
  10. nice run, great result!! congrats... go I2I3 OcTeam
  11. nice run mr rbuass go i2i3 oc team
  12. congrats ronaldo.... go I2I3 oc team....
  13. then the draws already happened but the winners were not announced?
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