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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. Thanks Steve. I deleted all my scores and begin new. Only Bob Tweak and IE settings used.
  2. Wow nice Chip! Wolfdale dont need much Pll,my CPUs need max 1,7v Pll:) Be careful with Pll on this Chips Denis!
  3. Steve you know it you asked me this for not too long ago:) ARC 1280ml 4GB;)
  4. Hey bencher should delete it by own, smaller work for the staff;) you or staff, make your decission! You use TE and WebPR by genieben scripts to replace test file...
  5. Thats good when people delete it itself:) But still alot guys ignore it and leave there scores... AMD needs clearness now, i will not submit more scores with it. I deleted more than 50 scores that i think they are fault, drop 100 places down in league...but i feel much better with it, knowing my profile is clear now:)
  6. Lol move it down quickly;) The other will deleted soon be sure.
  7. I dont like this bugged Feature in AMD Raid Expert... Its only an bug, not more. But allow ramcaching on Intel is the wrong way! Then 7g vs on Intel is no problem, so take a look back at this AMD Feature and disallow sector size changes that makes PC Mark bugged;) And TW is hard to moderate, without flash Desktop you can score also 50k+ TW no problem... maybee we should set there limits:)
  8. Its still allowed change sector size gives huge boost in VS. I dont like it, Massmann allowed it after Team Cup. Steve, check your scores too, 3rd Party tool for TW now forbitten, Flash Desktop and so on;)
  9. Lol, this thing about the mouse.. not really sure about it or leave mouse in upper corner
  10. CSS should be pretty shure not allowed! You can make the same effect like replacing test file! And render an blanc page without replacing anything;)
  11. Then read it again! Scripts are now forbitten, so say goodbye to TE in any form! You only can change settings/hack wordpad engine via script! You dont need to eyplain it! WebPR is same, replacement file or make CSS... same score;) Dont fool you had an legal way my friend...
  12. Then staff should do it, it was say 12pm you beginn delete scores.
  13. 24h are no past since desiccion....why still all cheated scores on??? Guys, delete it by your own! All actually top 5 in each globals rankings are cheated, so pull tgis shit down quickly
  14. AMD RAID EXPERT Tool is bugged, but it was allowed by hwbot testing. Im still against this...only pcm05 show an huge score. I see you beginn to block scores, but in global rankings nearly every score is still in: ( Demac, mtech, i and some gluvo where deleted by semself, why still all topdog scores in??? Also VapoR scores?
  15. After teamcup the 12.8 driver was officially allowed. And ramdisk cant score this, ramcaching also cant.
  16. You dont need drive change to limit startup;) Iometer is doing this fine or ATTO. And powertoys needs no discuss, its only an GUI for registry settings.
  17. No AMD RAID EXPERT Tool;) Official allowed:) With Quadcore 9G VS, massman has allowed it;)
  18. Dont do this! Or it yust begins again... how staff should moderate it then by 800+ startup
  19. I allready deleted all my hw and global runs, start from beginning now:)
  20. Lol, IE is no tweak or else, its an normal Update for OS! And show me blanc page only with registry, lol... Dont be stupid its the best solution now to keep the bench;) Scores get now back to normal Level, tropped to half scores. http://hwbot.org/submission/2322903_ Before 56k:)
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